Page 20 of Commit To Violence

No matter how many people told him so many times that it wasn’t his fault, Nick felt responsible. It was a burden he would carry for the rest of his life.

"You said two things, what’s the second?"

"Bo, and some other people, thinks he should have got this spot after Freeze died. Not the man that got him killed."

"What you think about that?" Rain asked, and Nick didn’t say anything. "Okay. Why did Black choose you over Bo?"

"Trust. Black couldn’t do what he’s doin’ now and not be able to trust him completely."

"What that mutha fucka think was gonna happen? You and Black got years together."

"Yeah. But it’s more than just years," Nick said. "I told you, it’s about loyalty and trust."

Rain thought about loyalty and trust and her situation with Blue. She had known Blue for as long as she could remember. Over the years, he had been a loyal soldier to her father’s right-hand man, Jeff Ritchie. But did that mean he was loyal to her? And if Blue wasn’t loyal to her, could she really trust him?

"Did Blue talk to you?" Rain asked as they drove.

"No more than he usually does. Why?"

"He’s about to get on my last nerve."

"What he do this time?" Nick asked.

"He came to me yesterday and said that some mutha fucka was playin’ wit’ loaded dice and hit us up for ten G’s."

"And they let him walk outta there?"

Rain didn’t answer.

"I been tellin’ you for the longest that Blue runs a sloppy operation. Shit like this keep happening maybe you’ll believe me."

"Believe me; I’m startin’ to agree with you. Maybe it is time for him to go."

"You’re the one that insisted that we keep him."

"I told you, Blue was a real loyal soldier for my father. I thought he’d be the right one to watch out for my interests."

"I’m lookin’ out for your interests,"

"You are, aren’t you," Rain said and thought about her real problem. After getting hit twice, she was running low on product and money. Rain had to do something and she knew she needed help. Telling Nick was the last thing she wanted to do. Not that she didn’t think he would help her. Rain knew she could get Nick to do anything she wanted. She just didn’t feel like hearing his mouth.


Bobby turned on White Plains Road and headed back uptown. Each place they stopped, nobody knew anything about Kenny’s murder. After talking with Sherman, Black and Bobby went by Luke’s apartment, but he wasn’t there. Black told Bobby to ride by there again to see if he had come back.

"So what you think about this big thing Sherman was talkin’ about?" Bobby asked as he drove.

"I don’t know, Bobby. I’m just hopin’ whatever it is doesn’t involve us."

"Yeah, me, too, but I got a feelin’ that it does."

"You know I hate it when that happens ’cause you’re usually right. You think somebody’s comin’ after us?"

"Killin’ Kenny may have been the first move."

"Happens every time," Black said.

"What’s that?"