Page 101 of Private Deceptions

"You were conducting the war on drugs as a agent of the United States Government, sort of." Felix said and he the General both laughed, but I wasn’t amused. Maybe they would let me in on the joke.

"Well, not exactly," the General said.

"You and your unit were there, not to stop the flow of drugs into this country, but to stream line it. You see, Nick, I have a friend down there. He came to me and asked for my help in eliminating some of his competition. In return we would be partners in his rather lucrative enterprise."


"Right. So I went to my friend the General here, and he was kind enough to donate the services of your unit. But he said to me that instead of just eliminating some of his competition, hell, let’s get rid of all the bastards or at least do damage to their operations."

"So you sent us down there to assassinate key people and destroy drug labs. The whole time we’re thinking it’s for good old Uncle Sam, we were doin’ it all for good old Uncle Felix. Good plan. What went wrong?"

"Who said anything went wrong. You and your unit were doing an excellent job," Felix said smugly. "Especially your team, Nick. The entire campaign was a success."

"That’s right. Your team was especially destructive. That Monika sure can blow some shit up." The general added. "How is she doin’ anyway, Nick? I understand it doesn’t look good for her."

"She’s a fighter. She’s gonna make it."

"No, she’s not, Nick. If she makes it out of intensive care, she’ll be dead before she gets to her room." Felix said.

"We’ll see about that. But we’ll pass that for now. So you brought us all back together to eliminate the eliminators, but we fucked it up when Monika broke her ankle. We were all supposed to die that day."

"I knew you were smart enough to figure that much out," the general said. "I was just gonna just line you all up and shoot you. But Felix said that he could use your team for some other jobs he had goin’. Said you three had a skill set that he would make excellent use of. So I got y’all out from down there. Handled the debriefing myself and turned you over to Felix."

"I figured that part out too. As long as Felix had his hand around our throats and we didn’t know what was really goin’ on down there anyway, we were non-threatening. What happened to change that?"

"My friend wasn’t the only one with influential friends. There were stories in some circles of American service men participating in a drug eradication effort. If those stories ever made their way to Capital Hill there would be hell to pay," Felix said. "And all that hell would fall on me, Nick."

"You three were the only one’s who lived, and like I said you were smart enough to figure it out," the general said.

"And I wasn’t gonna take the chance of you bein’ subpoenaed to testify before some fuckin’ Senate sub-committee," Felix said.

"So you killed Jett and you tried to kill Monika."

"I didn’t want to, Nick, but you can surely see where I didn’t have a choice in the matter. You three were the best operatives I had. It’s gonna be hard to replace you," Felix said.

"What about me? Why didn’t you try to kill me?"

"You’re a killer, Nick. You would be hard to kill. I thought about asking you to join us, but, as your presence here proves you’re too damn loyal to your friends. Even if you said you would go along with it, there would always exist the possibility that you would flip and try to kill us all. Anyway, since you were making a fool of yourself playing private detective, I just figured that either that animal Chilly would kill you, or the cops would have you for murder. But if neither one of those options panned out, don’t think I wouldn’t send a team to kill you. And they would have to be good to get the job done."

"Thanks for the compliment."

"No problem."

"Well gentlemen, I’ve heard enough." I started to reach for my third weapon.

"Good, so have I."

I turned around as Freeze came through the door and fired two shots to the general’s head. Then he turned to Felix and fired two shots at him.

"What’d you do that for?" I screamed.

"What are you talkin’ about? You said you had heard enough. I figured that meant it was time for them to die."

"Yeah, but I wanted to kill Felix."

"I tell you what, I’ll let you kill the next one."

"It’s not the same. Fuck it, nevermind. Let’s just get the fuck outta here."