Page 102 of Private Deceptions

Freeze walked over and looked at Felix. "Why didn’t you tell me he was the one you were lookin’ for?"

"You know him?’

"Shit yeah. Didn’t you hear him? He’s partners with Estabon, who supplies Chilly."

"Why didn’t you tell me?"

"You didn’t ask me about him or Estabon. You just asked me about Chilly."


"Sorry, Nick, how was I supposed to know."

"Forget it, man. Thanks for havin’ my back."

"Anyway, what were you gonna do with your guns on the floor?"

"I had three guns, remember."

"That’s right. Yo, I was listening to them talk about you. You that bad a mutha fucka?"


"Well, come on Shaft and I’ll buy you a drink."

"Okay, but just a quick one. I got one more body to account for."

"You ain’t thinking bout goin’ to Peru to kill Estabon, are you?"

"No. Something a little closer to home."

* * *

Chapter Twenty-six

"Who is it?"

"Its, Nick."

Felicia opened the door and let me in. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. "I’m so glad to see you." Felicia kissed me again and again. I was glad to see her too.

"Surprised to see me?"

"Yes. I heard about Chilly. I thought you were in jail."

"Wanda got me out."

"Who is Wanda? Should I be jealous?"

"No. Wanda is not only family to me, but she’s my lawyer."

"All right now. I just want to know who the players are in this game before I get in."

"Baby, this ain’t no game."

"Oh, so you the real thing, huh?"

"Is there anything to drink?"