Marco interrupted Ian’s response. “We’ll take it under advisement, Logan, and let you know what we decide. In the meantime, you can go home with Ian. ”

“I’d rather stay with Nicky in the jail. I don’t want to be where I’m not wanted. ”

Marco and Ian’s faces both went crimson, and Ian called out angrily for the gammas again. “Take this one too! To the jail cells!”

A gamma walked toward him, but Logan jumped to his feet and walked with dignity out the door. Only after it closed behind him did he sag in exhaustion and plod wearily down to the basement. Two cells were built there against the wall, side by side. He had stayed in one of them when he first came and had come full circle.

Nicky lounged on a bunk in one of the cells as he entered the one next to it. He glanced over at Logan with interest. “Good. At least I’ll have someone to talk to until Marco gets down here. ”

Logan smiled sadly. “You’re so sure he’ll come?”

“Of course he’ll come. That’s one reason he was so angry up there. He knows he can no more stay away from me for a month than he can try to stop breathing. He just can’t do it. He’ll try for a few days, just to save face, but he’ll come. Ian too. ”

“No, I don’t think so. Ian hates me. ”

Nicky made a scoffing noise. “He doesn’t hate you. He’s a wolf! They have the worst tempers on the planet, though they’d never admit it. When they get angry they always say stupid things they regret later. Wolves mate for life. They can’t help it. They have to be with their mates. Mad as he is at you, where did he take you when you got back?”

“To his apartment. ”

“I rest my case. Stubborn mules, all of them, especially Marco, and I suspect Ian is just as bad. They like to order us around, bitch and bark and bluster, but when all is said and done, they always cave. ”


“Cave in…give up…you just have to stick to your guns and don’t let them bully you. ”

“We’re not like you and Marco. I’m not Ian’s blood mate, and we’ve only been together a short time. He doesn’t care for me the way Marco cares for you. With what he believes, all I’d be to Ian now is a sex partner. ” The way things lookedthere wouldn’t even be sex anymore.

“He’ll probably keep you in lock down for a while, but he’s a wolf,” Nicky said again patiently. “They’re all the same, Logan. Handsome, sexy, brave, and full of themselves! If I know Marco like I think I do, he’ll be down in a little while. He won’t say anything. He’ll just stare at me, trying to make me break. It’ll be the dirtiest look he can muster. You just wait and see. Ian will probably be with him. ”

Logan shook his head. Nicky might be right about Marco, but not Ian. Ian hated him. He fell back on the bunk, wishing he’d stayed behind. To live he’d have to have another wolf feed him, and he didn’t want anyone but Ian. Tossing and turning on his hard bunk, he finally fell asleep out of sheer exhaustion. He woke up about an hour later when a door slammed.

Both Marco and Ian stood in front of the cells, arms folded across their chests, staring in at Nicky and Logan. Nicky turned his head toward Logan and winked. He sat up on the side of his bunk and stared back into Marco’s eyes. Marco’s eyebrows lowered, and a low growl came from his throat. In response, Nicky unsnapped his leather pants and slipped them down his hips to expose his cock. He lay back on the bunk and slowly stroked himself.

Marco was livid. “Nicky!” he yelled. “Cover yourself!”

Logan was astonished butfascinated by Nicky’s bravado. He laughed out loud and turned to find Ian staring straight at him with a frown on his handsome face. Despite the fact Nicky’s gorgeous cock was on full display, Ian only had eyes for Logan. He’d have some hope in believing Nicky if only Ian’s eyes weren’t so full of hate.

Following Nicky’s lead, Logan unbuttoned his pants for spite. Ian’s eyebrows shot to his hairline.

“Logan!” he said warningly.

Logan pushed down his own pants, freed his cock, lifted his shirt, and looked deep into Ian’s eyes. He began to stroke himself, disobeying Ian’s first order to him, the one about not playing with himself, and he never tookhis eyes away from Ian’s face.

Both wolves huffed furiously and turned their backs to retreat, banging the door behind them. Nicky’s loud, raucous laughter followed them. “Oh, Logan, that was perfect! Did you see their faces?” He fell on his back laughing, holding his sides. Logan couldn’t help laughing along with him.

“We’ll pay for that, of course. When they givein and take us home, we’ll have a lot of ass kissing to do to avoid some serious discipline. But God, it was worth it!”

“You were right about Ian, too, but for the wrong reason. He wants to see me punished. This is probably going to become my permanent home. ”

“Honey, please! He’s so crazy about you he doesn’t know if he’s coming or going. Everybody knows it. He does too, and he’s mad because he’s so whipped. He wants to hate you, but can’t do it. Drives him crazy. Remember, no matter how much he blusters and tries to hurt your feelings, it means nothing, really. He’s wrapped around your little finger, and he knows it. ”

Logan shook his head. “It’s hard to believe. ”

“I predict by lunchtime, dinner at the latest, Marco will be back down here. ”

Chapter Six

They pulled their pants back up, and Nicky suggested a card game after h e’d talked one of the guards into giving him a pack. Sitting on the floor next to the bars between them, they played poker for about thirty minutes when the door opened and a couple of gammas came in. They opened their cells and told them to follow.