Nicky shrugged and winked at Logan. “So soon?” Logan whispered.

They both trooped along behind their escorts back up the stairs and were shown into a private meeting room. Marco and Ian sat at a table, both with stern, implacable faces. Marco stood and went to Nicky, standing very close to him. Nicky leaned in toward Marco, as they stood close to each other, as if he couldn’t help himself. Logan knew the feeling, but Ian made no move toward him.

“Nicky, I’m tired of this silly, disobedient behavior. I had planned to let you stay down there for few days longer to teach you a lesson, but your foolish display has forced my hand. I’m revoking your right to stay in jail rather than take the punishment of doing chores. Ian is taking both of you now to put you on a work crew. This matter is finished. ”

Nicky narrowed his eyes and cro

ssed his arms on his chest. He backed away from Marco and met his eyes defiantly. “It’s not finished for me. You can take me anywhere you want, but Iwon’t lift a hand. I won’t work on any crew you force me on, no matter what you say. ” He raised a hand at Marco’s furious look. “You can beat me if you choose to. I can’t stop you, but I refuse to work. I just won’t do it. I did nothing wrong to warrant this ridiculous, humiliating punishment. Rory and I saved Ian and Logan and brought them home without the pack being endangered in a raid, but instead of praise, we’re receiving punishment. It’s unfair. You’ll have to beat me to death if you choose to take that route. ”

Logan crossed his arms on his chest and stared straight at Ian. “That goes for me too. I also refuse to work. I did nothing wrong at all, but try to keep myself and Ian alive until we could escape or be rescued. I did not warn the Hunters we were coming, no matter what you say. ”

Ian’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Logan, not unbending an inch.

“Is that right?” Marco said with a dangerous sounding tone in his voice. “Then you leave me no choice. ” He turned his back on the two younger men and walked back to the table. He glanced at Ian, who nodded once. He looked back up at Nicky and squared his shoulders. “If you refuse to obey the orders of your alpha, you’ll be banished for thirty days. Of course, if you come to your senses in the meantime and choose to apologize and accept your punishment, you’ll be allowed to come home. ”

“Banished?” Nicky said quietly. “You’re serious?”

Marco’s face was tense. He must know he was playing a dangerous game with Nicky, who was always so unpredictable. “That’s right. I can’t allow anyone, even my mate— especially my mate—to challenge my authority. Either you accept your punishment or you will leave. Naturally, before you leave, you’ll be fed, and once during the banishment period, you’ll be allowed to come back long enough for another feeding. We don’t wish to make you ill. ”

Nicky looked down for a long moment before he raised his head. “All right. ”

“Uh-all right what?You accept your punishment?” Marco’s tone was nervous.

“I understand what you’re saying, and I said all right. May I go now?”

“Nicky, this punishment is for your own good. Ian will place you on a work detail. You’ll be with Logan too. The thirty days will pass before you know it. ”

Nicky nodded. “Sure thing. May I go now? Sir?”

Marco nodded nervously, and Nicky strode to the door, followed by Logan.

When Nicky got to the door, he turned with an innocent look on his face. “Oh and where are we to sleep during this time?”

“Sleep? At home, of course!” Marco thundered,

“Oh, I think not. I’m not sure if I have a home here anymore. I’ll just sleep outside, if it’s all right with you. I’d be a lot more comfortable. ”

Logan stepped over beside him. “And that goes for me too. Either outside or in a cell. ”

Marco and Ian exchanged glances, and Marco turned a furious gaze on the young men. “Suit yourselves. ”

Nicky inclined his head regally and swept out of the room, drawing Logan with him.

Ian called behind them. “Wait outside the rear lodge door. I’ll be out in a moment with your assignments. ”

Nicky nodded again and took off down the hall, speaking over his shoulder to Logan. “Bastard. Marco may think they’re going to give me my assignment, but he’s got another think coming. ”

“What are we going to do?”

“Not we, Logan. I don’t want to pull you into this. ”

“Nicky, we’re a team now. I go where you go. ”

Nicky grinned. “Okay. But let’s wait till we get farther away before I tell you. Marco can read my mind at close quarters. It’s a blood match thing. Very annoying. ”

They walked to the apartment area before Nicky turned to him. “We’re leaving the compound. Marco said we’d be banished. So we’re banished. ”

Logan’s eyebrows raised. “But…”