Page 48 of Saving Mel

Her eyes locked with mine and she stood before she started walking towards me.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

“I’m just glad you’re all right,” I said.

“It’s just—so hard for me to—talk about that stuff,” she said.

“I shouldn’t have pushed you. You gave me the space to open up, and I need to give you the same.”

“I know you deserve to know,” she said. “And I want to tell you, but not in front of the kids.”

I nodded and looked down into her eyes.

“I’m so glad you’re back,” I said breathlessly.

Without a second thought, I grabbed her arm and pulled her into me. Her arms threaded around my waist and her cheek pressed into my chest. Her body was so warm and inviting. It was what I had been missing these past two nights. I ran my fingers through her hair while her hands drifted along my back, and soon my cock began to twitch to life.

No matter what it took, and no matter what I had to do, Melanie was going to be in my bed tonight. She was going to be safe, she was going to be warm, and she was going to be shaking with pleasure.



Feeling Evan’s arms wrapped around me grounded me again. I had gotten his text message an hour prior and it took me no time to throw my things back into my car. I used the last of the gas I had in my car to get back up the mountain and, when I knocked on the front door, I felt like I was three steps away from being home. I could tell Evan was shocked to see that I was there but, as he stepped aside and let me into the house, I almost cried with relief.

And now, I was standing here pressed against his beautiful body.

His arms were strong and steadfast. Like the memory of him that kept me company these past two nights. I knew Layla was right. I knew I had to open up to Evan and tell him what was going on. If anything, because he trusted me enough to take me in. He trusted me enough with his niece and nephew and he trusted me enough to offer me a place to stay. I had to somehow find the strength to talk with him about everything, but as I stood there with my cheek pressed against his chest, all I could think about was his cock.

And how I felt it throbbing against my body.

“Soup?” Liam asked.

“Yes, sweetheart. Let me get started on it,” I said.

Looking up at Evan, I grinned before I pulled away from him. I wanted to stand there forever and be held in his arms, but I knew I couldn’t. I had a sick boy who wanted nothing more than to cuddle and drink warm soup from his sippy cup, so I was going to make that happen.

The day went smoothly. Evan left just before lunch to go get some work done and I settled Liam into bed for his nap. He’d had two sippy cups full of soup stock before I gave him some medicine for his fever. He slept most of the day away while Hadley and I played together, and once bedtime rolled around, Liam was drenched in sweat.

“Icky,” Liam said.

“Icky, indeed. But that means you’re getting better. How are you feeling?” I asked.

“Sick,” he said.

“Well, let’s see what a good night’s rest will do for you.”

I cleaned up Liam and got him to bed while Evan focused on Hadley. I wrapped Liam up extra warm and put him down. I put a sippy cup of water in his bed, just in case he woke up thirsty and wanted something. I gave him a kiss on his forehead and noticed his skin was still a little clammy, but it wasn’t warm.

That was a good sign.

Liam was fast asleep before I was done singing the alphabet song to him. I sat there on the edge of his bed for a little while and watched him sleep, making sure he would be comfortable before I left. My heart ached at the fact that he wasn’t feeling well, and I hoped that when he woke up in the morning he would feel better.

I backed myself out of his room and shut his door only to back into something very solid.

Then, I felt a pair of hands drop to my hips.

“I’m so glad you’re back,” Evan said.

My skin was tingling with the sound of his voice.

“Thank you for letting me in,” I said.

“I’ll always let you in,” he said as his lips dipped to my neck. “Always.”

I leaned back into his body, opening up my neck for him to devour. His lips warmed my soul while his hands meandered across my body. They squeezed my tits and rushed down my stomach. They wrapped around to my ass and squeezed my cheeks. His beard felt phenomenal against my skin as I started to pant lightly, and then I felt his hands tugging at me.