Page 47 of Saving Mel

I went back into the living room and dropped to my knees, looking under every piece of furniture to no avail. I sat back on my heels and felt like breaking something. I checked my watch and knew that I didn’t have much time before the kids would be waking up. Once they were out of bed, I would be busy with them and wouldn’t have much time to try and settle this thing with Melanie.

As I went to stand up, something caught the corner of my eye. The basket that we kept the kids’ toys in was tucked into the hollow bottom of the bench that sat in front of the big window. On a hunch, I pulled it out and started digging through it, finally unearthing my damn charger cord from the bottom. I was going to have to have a serious talk with Liam about not playing with my things.

I ran to the kitchen and plugged in the phone, waiting for it to gain enough juice for me to turn it on. The minutes dragged on and I swore that I could hear every tick of the second hand on the fucking clock. By the time, the battery indicated the phone was charged enough to be turned on, I felt like I might pull all my hair out.

The screen lit up, but there were no other messages from Melanie. I tried calling her only to find that her voicemail was full and I couldn’t even leave a message. I switched back over to text and sent her a message to call me when she could.

I stood there, feeling helpless as I waited for some sort of response. Was she ready to tell me what it was she was so afraid to share with me? Or did she want to tell me that whatever we had was over and she wouldn’t be back? The thought of that made me physically ill and my stomach lurched. Hadley’s crying pierced through my worried thoughts and I groaned as I made my way to her room.

Liam was sleeping in again and I was thankful for it. I sat on the couch and cradled Hadley in my arms, feeding her a bottle I knew she could hold on her own. I looked down into my niece’s gaze and saw my brother swimming around in them, and I couldn’t stop the tears that rose in my eyes. My brother would never be here to watch her go off to school. He wouldn’t be here to rattle her first date or shake her future husband’s hand. My sister-in-law wouldn’t be here to calm her first heartache or help her get ready for prom. To teach her how to do her hair or pick out the right shades of makeup.

All that shit would fall on my shoulders now, and I didn’t have the first fucking clue how to do any of it.

Hadley finished her bottle just as I heard Liam stir. I put Hadley in her playpen before I went to gather Liam up, and I could immediately tell he wasn’t feeling well. His nose was running and his eyes were bloodshot. I took his temperature just to make sure it wasn’t serious. He had a low-grade fever and he was incredibly cuddly. As he wrapped his arms around me I succumbed to his warmth.

I guess I wasn’t getting any work done today.

Just as I walked back out into the living room, a knock came at the door. I laid Liam down on the couch and tucked him in with a blanket, kissing his forehead and letting him know I’d be right back. I pulled the door open and almost fell over.


Holy shit.

Melanie was shivering in her coat with her arms wrapped around her chest. Her nose was red and her eyes looked tired, and the only thing I wanted to do was pull her into my arms.

But I settled for stepping aside and letting her in.

She came in and looked over at Hadley before she spotted Liam on the couch. She rushed over and knelt down, worry dripping over her features as he smoothed the boy’s hair back. He smiled up and her and gave her a weak hug and I watched her cuddle her face into the crook of his neck.

“Mew,” Liam said lightly.

“Hey there, handsome,” Melanie said.

“Don’t feel good,” he said.

“I can tell. Want me to make you some soup?” she asked.

“No spoon,” he said.

“I can put the warm soup in your sippy cup,” she said.

“Soup in sippy?” Liam asked.

“Trust me. It’s the best.”

I watched her with Liam as my heart leaped into my throat. Melanie was okay. She didn’t look hurt, and the relief that barreled over my body almost took me to my knees. I didn’t know what I would’ve done had something happened to her.