I shut my eyes and shook my head to clear it. Had Jesse actually tried his vampiric hypnotism on me? The bastard . . .

“There he is,” Trevor murmured and stalked toward him. Jesse spotted him. His eyes widened, and he turned and walked out.

“Wait a minute—” I ran after Trevor.

“What—” Sadie ran after me. I assumed Ben followed as well.

In a foot race between a vampire and a mortal human, I’d put money on the vampire every time. Trevor must have known he couldn’t win a straight-up race, so in the ballroom lobby he veered to a side door while Jesse charged out the front. I kept after Jesse.

“Jesse, get back here, you jerk!” I shouted.

This was almost exactly what had happened at senior prom, which made me even more furious. You cannot escape the past, you can only repeat it. I pounded out the doors to the lighted nighttime parking lot and caught him just about to round the corner of the building. Wolf loved this. This was a chase. We had him in our sights. Next was the pounce, the grabbing him by the throat, the ripping—

No. I just wanted to talk.

“Jesse!” I yelled, and it must have come out partly like a growl, because he pulled up short. Slowly, he turned around.

Jesse couldn’t have been a vampire for more than a couple of years—he looked to be in his mid-twenties. Now, if this had been the twentieth reunion, there’d have been questions about how well preserved he appeared.

Still, I had a lot of questions.

“Hey, Kitty.” He scuffed his foot, tried to smile.

I had to take a moment to slow my breathing down so I didn’t, like, freak out and sprout fur. A reunion to remember.

“What . . . what is this?” I gestured vaguely at him, his condition, unable to formulate a concise question to take it all in. “Although this is pretty much the first time I’ve met a vampire and known exactly how old he is.”

“Good to see you, too,” he said, chuckling.

That moment, Trevor came around from the other side of the building, aiming a handheld crossbow loaded with a wooden bolt. Without thinking, I sprang, getting between Trevor and his target. I ended up pushing my ex-boyfriend into the wall, covering him with my body. A wooden stake would barely scratch me.

“Kitty, get out of the way!” Trevor ordered.

That was the moment Ben jogged up with Sadie and saw me and Jesse locked together.


“This must be the famous Jesse,” Ben said evenly.

Great. Just great. “Trevor, put that thing down!” I said. He didn’t. I bared my teeth. “Trevor!”

He lowered the crossbow. Jesse relaxed, just a bit.

“Put it on the ground, now!” I said. He did. I stepped away from the wall, straightened my dress. I was blushing. I resisted an urge to pour out apologies to Ben. This isn’t what it looks like . . . I trusted he knew that.

“What the hell is going on?” Sadie demanded, her voice edging into panic.

I looked back and forth between the two men, the vampire and the apparently professional vampire hunter. “What are the odds, really?” I muttered. “Trevor. Why are you trying to kill Jesse? I mean, is this something you make a habit of, killing vampires? And Jesse . . . why the hell are you a vampire!”

“You’re a vampire?” Sadie said, taking a step back.

“Who is that?” Jesse said, pointing at Ben. “I don’t remember you.”

“We’ve never met. Hi, I’m Ben, I’m Kitty’s husband.” He stepped forward, offered his hand and, a slave to social conventions, Jesse shook it. Ben appeared to squeeze extra hard.

“Husband?” Jesse said. “Oh. And you’re a werewolf too. I guess that makes sense.”

Sadie stared at Ben. “You are?”