“We don’t make a thing of it,” Ben said.

I pointed at Jesse and Trevor. “I need you two to answer my questions.”

“You first,” Trevor said.

“No,” Jesse stated. So I glared back at Trevor.

Trevor said, “It isn’t personal. Jesse crossed some bad people. I took the contract on the off chance he might be here. And I was right.”

“You can’t murder people at the class reunion!” I yelled.

“Is it murder if it isn’t human?” Trevor said, leering.

“Oh my God, are we really going to have that conversation?”

Jesse backed away. “Kitty, this is between the two of us, you should probably get out of here—”

“You have silver bullets in that gun?” I asked Trevor.

“Oh my God, you have a gun?” Sadie demanded.

Ben was at Sadie’s side. “Sadie, you’d probably better get back inside—”

“No! These are my friends. At least I thought they were.”

And didn’t that break my heart just a little. Meanwhile, Ben had his phone out and was talking to someone, walking just far enough off that I couldn’t hear.

“Well, Trev?” I asked.


“So that’s yes, you do have silver bullets.” Along with the visceral jolt of panic, I was offended and furious. “Were you planning on killing me too?”

“Only if you try to stop me.”

“Here I was thinking how this isn’t at all like class reunions in the movies and you have to go pull some Grosse Pointe Blank shit!”

“I wasn’t trying to pull some Grosse Pointe Blank shit, it just happened,” Trevor said.

“Shit like this doesn’t just happen,” I muttered.

Sadie said, “Maybe if we all went back inside and had a drink—”

“I don’t think you want that,” Jesse said, grinning.

I covered my face with my hands. This was too much.

“So. Um,” Jesse said, sticking his hands in his pockets and losing all his vampire suave. “It’s good to see you guys. Really.”

“I didn’t think you’d actually be here,” Trevor said.

“So, if you hadn’t been trying to kill Jesse, you wouldn’t be here?” I asked.

“No,” he admitted.

I turned to Jesse. “Then why did you come?”

He looked at each of us. Not with the vampire hypnotism. Just a nervous glance, which dropped to his feet.