“Resigned, effective this morning.”

“Over this?” asked Gunner.

Striker nodded.

Razor saw the shift in his friend immediately. Striker had just gained Gunner’s respect.

“Again,” said Doc. “Who’s heading up this mission officially?”

“MI6,” said Shiv.

“What about Dutch?” Doc asked.

“He’s part of the team that will stay on the ground here. So is Monk,” answered Striker.

“On behalf of the agency?”

Striker shook his head. “I don’t need to say it again, do I?”

The meeting wrapped with a definitive list of those on the Azerbaijani team, and those who would continue handling asset protection in the States.

Ava’s friends, Penelope and Tara, would no longer be required to stay in Oregon, and neither would her sister. However, Aine would have ongoing detail until the threat from her father was neutralized.

Neither he nor Doc nor Mercer appeared on either of the lists compiled at the meeting. Razor and Gunner had agreed with Doc that it was time to make official K19 partnership offers to Onyx, Alegria, Monk, Dutch, and maybe even Striker.

“See you later this afternoon,” Gunner said before leaving with Shiv.

Razor waved. “Roger that.”

“Retirement’s looking more imminent,” said Doc.

“Sounds good to me. Never could’ve predicted I’d say that.”

“I’m going to make a prediction that Gunner will be next, once this op is over.”

“Yeah?” Razor wouldn’t lay odds either way.

“He would’ve gone in for Ivashov alone.”

Razor laughed, maybe Doc did know Gunner as well as he did.


The scent of Jasmine perfume permeated the entryway of Razor’s house, letting him know that Ava’s mother had arrived. However, he didn’t see or hear her or Ava.

“Where are they?” he asked Monk, who was coming up the stairs.

“The beach. Dutch has eyes on them.”

“Doc wants to meet with the two of you,” Razor told him.

Monk held up his phone. “Got the message.”

“It’ll be good to have you as an official part of the K19 team.”

“I haven’t accepted yet.”

“No?” Razor laughed. “What are your conditions?”