Razor did, so did Doc and Gunner.

“Rauf Evasov,” said Razor. “Thought to have been executed by Azerbaijan’s military as part of a mass wave of arrests made last year. The number of suspected Armenian spies killed is nearing one hundred, minus one.”

“Double-agent,” muttered Gunner. “He wasn’t part of our count.”

Razor shook his head. “That’s how Petrov knew where the women were being held. He was working with Evasov.”

Shiver nodded.

“If Petrov has returned to Azerbaijan, we’re going to have a hell of a time getting to him,” said Striker.

“He’s got Raketa,” said Gunner.

All eyes turned to him.

“You’re suggesting we go in after her?” asked Doc, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

Gunner shook his head, but Razor knew the look on his friend’s face better than anyone seated at the table, even better than Doc did. Gunner wasn’t suggesting they go in after her; he was planning to do it solo.

“Taking down Petrov is non-negotiable,” said Shiver, “at least for MI6. We’ve been working this op too long to let him go just because he’ll be hard to get to.”

“The CIA—”

“Fuck the CIA,” Gunner said to Striker, pushing his chair back from the table and standing.

“Agency resources are…unofficial,” Striker continued.

Gunner looking at Shiv. “Are MI6 resources official?”

Shiver nodded.

“Then I’m in.”

“You’ve got eyes on him? Ongoing, I mean?” Razor asked.


“Any ties showing up back here?”

“I can answer that,” said Striker. “CRM Allied has essentially disappeared into thin air. And, without Finnegan’s testimony, the justice department has no case against ‘Conor McNamara.’”

“What about the wife?” Razor asked.

Shiver turned his laptop back around. From where Razor stood, he could see the photo of the woman who had been with Petrov at the wedding.

“Damn,” said Razor, reading through the dossier on Adrine Shahij, also known as Kelly McNamara. While she looked to be younger than Ava, she was actually closer to his age.

“She’s with him,” said Shiv. “Our guess is that she’s more of a bodyguard than a spouse.”

“Let’s recap,” said Doc. “Are you saying the agency is officially out?” he asked Striker.

“Officially, yes,” he answered.

“What he’s saying is that he’s in,” said Shiver, “and so is the agency, unofficially.”

All eyes shifted to Striker.

“You quit, or did they let you go?” Razor asked.