Page 37 of Obsessed

"He's called a bunch of times tonight." I step back into the rain, trying to hail a taxi. "Where are you? I'll grab a taxi and come meet you."

"No." She's resolute. "I'll come to your place. Give me an hour."


"Dear, I believe you put your dress on backwards." Ms. Adams greets me as I step off the elevator.

I laugh. "No, it's supposed to look like this."

"Really?" She frowns. "It leaves very little to the imagination."

"That's the idea," I whisper.

"In my day, women kept their assets hidden until their wedding night." She adjusts the soft, pink, terry cloth robe she's wearing.

"It's very late." I glance at my phone realizing it's already past eleven. "Are you alright? Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"It's been a troubling night, Ivy. Walk with me to my apartment."

I gently grab her arm helping her down the hallway. "What happened?"

"Mark was here." She reaches into her pocket for her keys. As she fumbles with all three of the locks on the door I smile knowing she locked her door up tight even though she was only going a few feet to my apartment.

"When?" I help her inside, turning on the light for her.

"It was hours ago." She sits in an oversized, blue chair that has seen much better days.

"Can I warm you some milk?"

"Yes, thank you." She nods before continuing, "he was looking for a letter he said you had and demanding to know where you were."

"I'm sorry you had to deal with that."

"He buzzed me when you didn't answer and I let him up." Her hands are shaking. "He was so angry."

"He tried calling me several times tonight." I sigh. "I should have talked to him."

I set the mug of warm milk and a linen napkin on a small tray that I place on the table in front of her. I kneel down so I'm at her eye level. "I'm going to take care of this. I won't let him bother you again."

"Be careful, Ivy." She rests her weathered hand on mine. "His temper is so bad."

"I'll handle it." I lean down to kiss her forehead. "Lock the door before you go to bed."

"Thank you." She manages a small smile. "I will."


I change into a pair of jeans, and a pink t-shirt while I wait for Liz. As tempted as I am to call Mark right now, I want to gather my thoughts and my best friend's input before I confront my ex fiancée.

I stare silently at the envelope addressed to Mark on my foyer table before being hit with a realization. I scurry down the hall to my bedroom, heading straight for the bedside table. I pull the drawer out before dumping it on the bed. I rummage through the papers in search of an old love letter Mark sent me a year ago when he was in Tokyo on business. I grab for it before running back down the hallway in my bare feet. I take a deep breath as I pick up the envelope I've been holding for Mark.

The buzzer startles me. "Liz?" I say into it.

"Let me up."

I buzz her in, my heart racing.

I open the door to my apartment, the two letters still clutched in my palm.