Page 38 of Obsessed

"He sent this envelope to me." My words assault her before she's even stepped foot off the elevator.

"Who sent you what?" Liz pushes past me. "I need a drink."

"Mark." I motion towards the kitchen. "He sent me this envelope."

"I haven't a clue what you're talking about." She calls from the kitchen amidst the sound of the cupboard opening and something liquid being poured.

"Mark has been sending me these envelopes." I push both letters towards her as she re-enters the foyer a full glass of white wine in her hand.

"Why pray tell would he do that?" There's obvious sarcasm in her voice.

"I don't know." I try to hand her the envelopes again. "Look."

"You know something." The slurring in her voice is now distinctively obvious as she slaps the letters from my hand. "Not every man wants you, Ivy."

"What?" I'm appalled by her comment but quickly decide that it's all the alcohol she's obviously consumed this evening talking and not her.

"He cheated on you remember? Why would he want you again?" She empties half the glass in one swallow.

"What's wrong with you?" I reach to take the wine glass from her hand realizing she's way past the point of being tipsy.

"Don't!" she screams, pulling the glass back from me.

"Liz, you've had enough."

"I need to use the bathroom." She stumbles down the hall, the glass teetering in her hand.

I call down to the lobby and Oliver quickly answers. "Ms. Marlow? What can I do for you?"

"I need a taxi for my friend, Oliver." I try to calm my quivering voice. "I'll bring her down shortly."

"Of course," he replies. "I'll take care of it."

I reach down to pick up the envelopes from where they landed on the floor. Once again I hold them side-by-side, noting that the writing is identical.

There's a knock at the door. I jump. "Oliver," I say quietly thinking that he must have come up to help me with Liz.

I swing the door wide open. It's Mark. He pushes past me.

"No." I say. "No. Out." I point at the open door.

He pushes it closed with his foot. "I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart. Where the hell were you tonight?"

"That's none of your business," I shout at him. "Why did you come here and terrorize Mrs. Adams?"

"That crazy old bat?" He shakes his head. "I can't believe she's not dead yet."

"I have nothing to say to you." I try to push past him to get to the door. He grabs my shoulders.

"I'm not leaving." The anger in his voice is palpable. "We have some things to settle."

"Like the fact that you keep sending letters addressed to yourself here?" I point at the envelopes on the table.

"I did that so I could see you."

"I hate you." I can feel the tears coming. "Don't you get that? You cheated with three women Mark. Three."

The sudden sound of breaking glass causes us both to turn abruptly.