Gage drops my hand and starts across Olivia’s office. “You’re a fucking lifesaver.”

“I’m a woman who wants the best for everyone.” She stands and embraces him.

My gaze volleys from Gage to Olivia. “Will someone tell me what’s going on? Does this have to do with us moving to California?”

That turns Gage on his heel to face me. “You were going to move to California with me?”

“Of course I was,” I say without hesitation. “I love you. I want to be with you. I’d move anywhere to be with you.”

Olivia brushes past me to close her office door. “I’m going to interrupt because I know how this looks.”

“It looks like you want to keep Katie in New York.” Gage moves to wrap his arm around my shoulder.

“I don’t understand what’s happening.” I look up at Gage before I shift my gaze to Olivia. “Tell me, Liv.”

She takes a step closer to us. Scooping both my hands into hers, she smiles. “This morning you told Tilly and me that you loved him more than anything.”

I nod. “I did say that because I do.”

“You also said that you overheard him talking on the phone yesterday.”

I blush at her admission. I look up at Gage. “I didn’t mean to overhear.”

“I’m damn glad that you did.” He leans down to kiss my forehead.

“I am too.” Olivia gives my hands another squeeze. “You told me that Gage wants to stay in New York and that he wants to raise Kristin here.”

“I did hear him say those things,” I affirm with a nod of my head.

“I asked about Madison for a reason.” Olivia drops my hands. “I was a little surprised that you didn’t question me about why I wanted to know her last name.”

I laugh. “You’re a detail-oriented person.”

“A few hours ago, I called and asked her to come to Manhattan to interview for a job here at Liore.”

My breath catches in my chest. “You what?”

“I know it’s not my place.” She bows her head. “I’m not trying to interfere in anyone’s life or dictate the future. I’m offering an alternative solution that will allow all of you to be in New York. Gage doesn’t have to give up the business he’s building. You don’t have to give up the bridal boutique and Kristin can grow up in this amazing city.”

I look at Gage. The smile on his face says it all. He’s thrilled that Olivia put herself in the middle of this.

“I should also mention that Madison is overly qualified for the position I’m going to offer her.” She tilts her head. “She has a business degree. She held a comparable position in Nashville for four years. I expect her to bring good things to the Liore team.”

“Olivia.” I move to hug her. “I can’t believe you’re doing this.”

“I didn’t put a whole lot of thought into it, Kate.” She rests her hands on my shoulders. “I admit I’d be lost without you, but I offered her an interview because the position is vacant, she’s qualified and I’m going to need a babysitter for Arleth in a few years and I think Kristin will make my short list of candidates.”

There are no words to thank her for what she’s done for me, and for Gage.

I take her back in my arms and pray that everything will work out just as it’s supposed to.

Chapter 56


I’ve been waiting for this day for five years.

I hold tightly to Kristin’s hand as we round the corner. The wind is whipping her hair around her face.