She took time choosing an outfit to wear.

She must have tried on everything in her suitcase twice before she settled on a pair of jeans and a red sweatshirt.

The sneakers on her feet are hot pink.

She looks like the beautiful nine-year-old child that she is. New York City agrees with her. It’s only her fourth day here and she’s already calling it home.

I slow my pace as we near Katie Rose Bridal.

It was Kristin’s idea to come here. I told her that we’d be having dinner with Katie, but she wanted to see the store.

I called Katie an hour ago to ask if we could stop by.

She didn’t hesitate for a second. She wants us here.

“Is this it?” Kristin looks up at the white awning that bears the name of the store.

“Katie Rose Bridal,” she says quietly. “It’s the prettiest name for a store.”

I swing open the heavy glass door. “After you, my little lady.”

“I’m not your little lady anymore.” She giggles. “I’m taller than when you used to call me that.”

“You’ll always be my little lady.”

“Is that her?” Kristin tugs on my arm. “That lady with the blonde hair over there. Is that her, Daddy?”

I look over to where Katie is standing. She’s wearing a simple black sheath dress. Her long hair is cascading down her back in waves.

“That’s Katie,” I say with a sigh. “Let’s go say hello.”


“If I ever get married, I’m coming here.” Kristin touches the lace of the train of a cream colored gown. “There are a million dresses in your store, Katie.”

Katie looks to me. I know she’s on the verge of crying.

It started an hour ago when I introduced my daughter to her. Katie held out her hand, but Kristin ignored it and went in for a hug.

Katie clung to her as her eyes met mine.

It was one of the defining moments of my life and I lost it.

I had to turn around to shield my daughter from the rush of emotions I felt.

We’ve spent our time since on a tour of the store, drinking soda, and talking about the subjects that Kristin most loves in school.

English and Math.

I need to brush up on both if I’m going to help her with her homework.

“My mom got a job here.” Kristin smiles. “Do you know what that means?”

Katie taps her index finger to her chin. “It means we can drink soda again?”

Kristin lets out a belly laugh. “No. It means I get to live with my Daddy again.”

“Your dad is very lucky.” Katie takes a seat on the bench next to Kristin.