Page 72 of Bloom

Keeping a straight face, I cluck my tongue.

“What the hell?” he spits out in a low tone. “You’re joking, right? Take another look.”

I am joking.

I didn’t know if Liam would show up at my drop-in class tonight. I smiled when I saw him stroll in wearing jeans and the same NYPD T-shirt he had on the other night.

All of the other students in the class did a double take. Word must have spread that my class offers not only a great deal on beginner flower designing but a hot male student to gawk at.

I had double the number of people crammed into the shop tonight than I did the first night I offered the class.

They’ve all since left with their bouquets in hand. Some were spectacular. Others weren’t as great, but everyone had fun tonight.

Drawing in a deep breath, I touch the edge of one of the peonies in his bouquet. “I’m going to give this one a solid six-and-a-half.”

“Fuck,” he drawls out slowly. “You’re tough.”

Nodding, I half-shrug. “Would you rather I not be honest with you?”

He narrows his blue eyes. “I want you always to be honest with me.”

I want the same from him. I’ve never understood the purpose of hiding behind an outright

lie. If we’re going to keep hanging out with each other, we need to tell it like it is.

“I’m honestly telling you that this bouquet is better than the last one you made.”

A smile ghosts his mouth. “That’s all I wanted to hear.”

I glance at the table and the tattered remains of the flowers that my students left behind.

It’s going to take me at least an hour to tidy the shop. The smart thing to do would be to tackle that job tonight, but I’d much rather spend that time with the man standing in front of me.

“Are we cleaning that mess up?” Liam starts to move around me headed straight for the table.

I stop him with a hand to his forearm. “I’ll take care of it tomorrow.”

His gaze scans my face. I see a question there, but before he can ask, his lips are on mine.


The sight of Liam Wolf naked from behind is incredible.

I told him I had to use the washroom as soon as we got to his apartment. I didn’t have to do anything but give myself a pep talk in his bathroom mirror.

This time it wasn’t about encouraging myself to find the nerve to sleep with him.

I want that. It’s all I wanted when we kissed in the narrow elevator on our way up to his apartment.

We walked part of the way here before a thunderstorm rolled over the city. Once the wind picked up, we ran to the nearest subway stop.

The blouse I was wearing was sprinkled with wet spots from the rain. Liam’s T-shirt was too. He yanked it off as soon as we were inside his apartment. I watched as he tugged off his boots and socks.

Sometime between when I went into the washroom, and now he’s lost the rest of his clothing.

I’m only wearing my underwear.

It’s nothing special.