Page 71 of Bloom

Jesus, do I want her to myself.

I clear my throat so Rhys shifts his attention back to me. He’s been sitting across from me in my office for the better part of thirty minutes, but his focus has primarily been on his phone.

He’s been texting the girl he told me about as soon as he sat his ass down in the chair.

They go to school together, but their bond started years ago when they met at a party in middle school.

His mom’s death set a fire under both of them, so they’re dating now.

I don’t know if he came here looking for reassurance that it’s all right for him to dive into this now. He hasn’t said more than a few words to me, so I get the ball rolling because I’ll need to send him on his way before my next appointment arrives.

“What’s she like?” I quiz with a half-smile.

“Nothing like mom,” he bounces back. “She’s a free spirit.”

The comparison to his mom right out of the gate is enough to warrant a red flag. I press for more. “Your mom wasn’t a free spirit?”

I didn’t know Deidre before she was diagnosed with cancer. The woman I met with was somber but compassionate. She had tunnel vision because of the circumstances she was facing. Everything revolved around her son and her husband and their futures after she died.

“She was when I was a kid.” He picks at a thread on his torn jeans. “As I got older, she got more serious.”

Facing death will do that to a person.

“She knew Jailyn.” His face brightens with the mention of his girlfriend’s name. “She liked her but thought she wasn’t taking advantage of her full potential.”

Spoken like any parent who wants the best for their child as they’re facing the end of their life.

“I’m not marrying her tomorrow.” He chuckles, patting the center of his chest with his pointer finger. “But she helps me forget the pain in here.”

If he needs Jailyn to distract him from the pain, that works, as long as he still makes a point of coming to see me.

“How are you making out with convincing your dad to meet me on the basketball court?”

I’m making progress with Rhys, but I want to meet Gareth. It was important to his wife that I make an effort to help her family.

“Give him another couple of weeks.” He shrugs. “He’s working his way up to it.”

I’ll let it sit for now.

“I need to go.” He pushes to his feet. “Jailyn wants to meet for a coffee.”

Standing, I rest a hand on his shoulder. “I like the red hair, Rhys. You’ll call if you need anything?”

“You’re number two on my speed dial.” He waves his phone in front of my face. “I’ll catch you next week, Wolf.”

I follow him out of my office and watch as he sprints to the double glass doors. He pushes a finger into the elevator call button over and over.

He may be burying his pain beneath his desire for a woman, but I can’t fault him for that. I’m guilty of the same.

Chapter 36


I stand back and look over the bouquet in his hands.

“You’re killing me here.” Liam presses a hand over the left side of his chest. “This has to be a seven, lilac. Admit that I’m improving.”

Sighing, I gaze up at his handsome face. “This may be your worst attempt yet.”