Her taunt was made to infuriate him, but Constantine didn’t care, he hauled her against his chest and lifted her from the floor. “Do it and he’s a dead man. You’re mine, whether you like it or not. The sooner you become accustomed to the feeling, the better it will go. Or would you rather I found another woman to make love to? I could bring her home to the Hall and make love to her right in front of you while you’re supposed to be tending the children.”

Her legs locked tight around his waist. “Don’t you dare.”

He waited, hoping to hear her utter the words that he belonged to her as well, but she wouldn’t. However, she did wrap her arms around his neck and tangle her fingers in his hair rather possessively.

Constantine skimmed his lips across hers softly. “I’m yours. I’ve always been yours.”

A soft smile played around her mouth and she leaned close. He waited for her to kiss him, but her lips stopped a whisper from his. Her breath danced across his skin and then her tongue darted out to lick his upper lip. He withheld a groan as she did it again, the effect on his body immediate. When she brushed her lips softly against his, he closed his eyes and let her have her way.

Meredith teased him with her tongue and her kisses burned his skin. She slithered down to her feet, got her hands beneath his waistcoat, and unfastened his trousers. Constantine opened his eyes. Celibacy had clearly not agreed with Meredith any more than it had with him. He removed his waistcoat and shirt and shoved his trousers down to his ankles. “Is this what you want?”

She offered a saucy wink and fell back onto the bed, kicking her slim legs up into the air, teasing him with a glimpse of heaven. Constantine pushed his trousers away and covered her with his body, letting the weight of his erection lay against her skin.

Her breath hissed from her lips. “I missed you.”

Constantine’s heart began to pound. “And I’ve missed you. My best fantasies cannot compare with having you in my bed.”

She smiled and rubbed her lithe body against him, ran her hands over his flanks, and then looped her arms about his neck. She met his gaze. Her whiskey-brown eyes were alight with desire. “Where is it?”

Constantine frowned, not understanding her question. “I’m sorry?”

“Your little velvet pouch. Hurry, Constantine. I need you inside me.”

Lust battled with his conscience. If he did not use it and got a child on her, he would worry. But he wanted her in his life, to be his wife, to bear his sons. But he was utterly afraid she would run

if he told her that so soon. He drew back and cupped her cheek.

“What’s wrong? Have you misplaced it?”

“No. I’m just not sure I should use it.” He pressed his head to hers. “Damn, you decide.”

Her fingers played over a spot on his upper arm. “If you fear I’m diseased, then you should wear it. Many gentlemen prefer it with women in my profession.”

Constantine’s stomach lurched. He caught her face between his hands. She hadn’t understood. “That’s not why I wear it,” he whispered.

Her brow creased. “Then why?”

What had he done? Had he made her feel cheap and dirty? He kissed her passionately and blurted out, “Rothwell claims they can prevent a woman from conceiving a child. That’s the only reason I have one. I didn’t want to ruin another woman’s life.”

Her eyes widened and then she hugged him tightly. “I told you I was quite capable of looking after myself. Especially in those matters. Do you see that I don’t have any children of my own?”

Constantine felt a little foolish. He buried his face in her neck and inhaled.

Meredith held his head in place. “I knew what to do even before my fall. My mother was a very practical-minded woman. There was no chance I would conceive unless I wanted to.”

If he’d known, considered the matter properly, he might never have tortured himself and denied them both greater pleasures. Before he reconsidered, Constantine positioned himself and entered her in a single, slow thrust. The difference took his breath away and Meredith’s too, for her nails dug into his back and she moaned. He began to move, slowly at first and then with gathering force. He levered up onto his arms to watch the play of emotions on her face.

God, she was beautiful, and wicked. He groaned as she tweaked his nipple. “Don’t do that, sweetheart,” he complained.

The minx battered her eyelashes at him. “But Constantine, you said you were mine, so that means I can do anything I like with you.”

He grinned. “Are you claiming me, then?”

“Oh yes.” She ran her hands over his chest possessively. “There’s so much more we can do together if we cease being proper.”

Constantine lowered himself, keeping his weight on his forearms as Meredith undulated beneath him.

“Don’t stop,” she warned. “I’ve only a few hours before the children might need me back in the nursery and I want you at least several times more.”