With that one word, she flung herself into his arms, burrowing against his chest as if she craved him. Constantine held her close, caressing her and remembering he’d wanted her from the moment they’d met. Had he fallen for her from that very first glimpse? He thought it might have been the case.

Meredith rose up on her toes, her mouth seeking his. Happy to oblige, Constantine kissed her as he’d wanted to all these weeks. Everything he’d wanted was still there. Meredith tasted the same as Calista. Her passions were just as alluring. The trick would be getting her to agree to a permanent arrangement between them.

He eased away slowly, reluctant but sure. Talking first, pleasure later. “I was hoping you’d missed me,” he told her. “Missed kissing and touching like this.”

She fiddled with his cravat. “Grayling, has anyone ever told you that there are times when actions speak louder than words? You could have had me any number of times, but you didn’t. What stopped you speaking up before tonight?”

“Our bargain.” He pressed a kiss to her hair. “I told you I would honor it and leave you in peace. I thought I could be satisfied to see you and not touch.”

Her brow rose. “Difficult?”

“As you would not believe. Or maybe you would, as you’re here in my bedchamber now.”

She stroked his chest and then peered at him from beneath her lashes. “It has proven rather arduous to be virtuous. Perhaps harder than anything I’ve ever done.”

“Then we are in agreement. We belong together.”

Meredith eased back. “I never said that. What I did say was that attraction does not go away simply because one wills it. I don’t belong to you.”

“But I belong to you,” he said quietly. “Quite frankly, I think you ruined me for anyone else.”

“Don’t say that. You don’t know me.”

“I know enough. For now.”

She broke away. “You only know what I’ve told you.”

Constantine watched her steadily. “Have you lied to me about more than your name?”

He saw her throat move as she swallowed. “No. But I’ve withheld the truth.”

“Why can you not trust me? I would never harm you. I would take care of you if I could.”

“I’ve always taken care of myself. Living on my own terms has served me well.”

Unable to remain apart, Constantine crossed the room to stand before her. Her jaw was set defiantly, her eyes narrowed. He slipped his finger beneath her chin and lifted her face to his. “I don’t want to change you. You’ve no idea how much I admire you, wretched lies and all.” He smiled when he said the last. Her lack of name was the least of his concerns. “But I would like to take care of you. To keep you with me always so I know how you fare.”

“I thought you brought me here for your daughters.”

“And I did.” He caressed her cheek. “They have blossomed in your care.”

She squinted up at him. “Why do you want me around? I’ll bring nothing but trouble.”

“On the contrary, you bring excitement, and passion, and uncertainty, and contentment. You are a thousand contradictions all at once. No day is ever the same.”

She swallowed again. The pause unnerved him, but then her hands rose to her neckline and she unbuttoned the front of her gown, revealing the top of her unmentionables beneath. “Is this the excitement you crave?”

“Yes, and more.”

When the gown was loose enough, she peeled off the bodice and slid the material over her hips. She toyed with the string of her corset while observing him. “What about this, Gray? Is it in the way?”

“Constantine,” he corrected. “Use my name, and yes you damn well know I prefer you naked.”

A teasing smile flittered across her face. “So impatient.”

“You’re a fine one to talk. I wanted a conversation before we ended up in bed together.”

She smiled again as the corset fell. “Talk is overrated, Constantine. Are you going to simply stand there and deprive me of my view? I haven’t seen a naked man in two months. If you’re not careful I’ll go in search of someone else.”