“Checking in?”

Brynn felt a little seed of an idea sprout when she saw the hotel employee was an attractive guy about her age. Her eyes skimmed his left hand. No ring. And he was straight, if she had to bet on it. Perfect.

She let her hand go in for a casual hair twirl, only she hadn’t gotten used to her shorter haircut, and instead ended up swirling a big circle in the air in the vicinity of her boob. Shit. When had all her flirting skills gone out the window?

“Checking in?” he asked again, placid expression never changing.

“Right. Yes. Yes, I am.” Brynn leaned in closer, letting him get a glance of the boob shot Sophie had made her practice. She peered at his name tag. “So, Tyler…the thing is, my boyfriend’s here on business, and he doesn’t know I’m here to surprise him for our anniversary. Is there any way…”

Tyler expression didn’t change. Nor did he stop typing on his computer. Or even sneak a peek at her boobs. “I’m sorry, I can’t help you, it’s against our privacy policy to give any guest information.”

Normally Brynn would be quite approving of such rules, and even more approving of those who followed them. No exceptions.


“Not even for…” She fished a couple twenties out of her wallet. Sophie’s idea.

“Ma’am, I can’t do that, but if you’d like to leave a message for your boyfriend, or we could have a note delivered to his room…”

“And the number of that room would be…?”

This time Tyler’s expression did slip, but luckily it was into an indulgent smile instead of an I’m gonna call the cops look.

He leaned a little closer, and Brynn’s stomach leaped in relief. He was going to help her.

“I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do,” Tyler said softly, looking from side to side.

“Yeah?” she said eagerly.

“Well, how about you tell me the name of your boyfriend. I’ll look him up in our system, and if he’s staying here…”

“Right, good…”

Tyler continued whispering. “And if he is staying here, I’m going to suggest he give his girlfriend a call.”

Brynn’s face fell. “You’re not going to help me.”

Tyler straightened. “Not in the way you want. But look on the bright side, I also wouldn’t give anyone your room number either, so you don’t have to worry about strange men knowing where you sleep.”

Brynn scowled. “But I’m not a strange man.”

“You’re not a man, no, but strange…?” Tyler said with a wink, as he slid the envelope with her room key across the counter. “I’ll be here until eight tonight if you want to give me his name. Maybe I can stick a note into his locker.”

Brynn made a ha-ha face and resigned herself to camping out in the lobby.

Except she wouldn’t have to. Because there he was, as though she’d summoned him out of sheer love and desperation.

Tall, golden, and wearing a suit, of all things. She hadn’t even known he owned a suit.

And he had his arm around a very, very attractive redhead.


His name burst out of her mouth before she could think it through. Before she could think anything through. But in all her mental scenarios about this moment, another woman had not been involved. She also hadn’t pictured verbally accosting him from across the lobby with a dozen spectators watching.

“Oh dear,” she heard Tyler mutter.

Will slowly straightened as he looked in the direction of her voice. He was too far away from her to read his eyes, but the tension in his shoulders and his unsmiling mouth told her most of what she needed to know.