He wasn’t happy to see her. At all.

Brynn mentally crossed off the run-into-each-other’s-arms scenario as she slowly, purposefully made her way toward him. She felt the redhead’s curious gaze on her profile as she approached. Hell, she felt the entire lobby’s eyes on her. But her eyes never wavered from the one person who mattered.

She stopped a foot away from him, not caring that they were blocking the path to the elevators behind Will. She didn’t care about anything but getting him back.

“So, you moved to Chicago,” she said with a little smile.

“What the hell are you doing here, Brynn?”

Her smile wanted to slip, but she kept it pasted there as she turned to the other woman. Unlike Lily, who she’d subconsciously known along was part of the game, this woman was a threat. Tall, thin, and composed, she looked like the premium version of the woman Brynn used to try to be. Perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect posture…

What if he’s already trying to replace me?

“I’m Brynn,” she said, extending a damp hand.


Brynn watched the other woman carefully for the classic female signs. The narrowing of eyes, the proprietary shift toward Will, the Who are you? gaze. There was nothing.

And yet this woman had walked out of the elevator with Will. Had they come from the same room?

The thought of Will with his hands on another woman made her want to puke, but she forced herself to see this through. She owed it to herself. Owed it to them.

“Can we talk in private?” she asked, turning her attention back to Will.

“I’ll have the rental pulled around,” Dana said quickly, starting to move away.

Will grabbed her arm. “You can stay. Brynn and I don’t have anything to talk about.”

“That’s bullshit,” Brynn said primly, refusing to be pushed aside.

His eyebrow arched up at Brynn’s assertive tone and public swearing, and he released Dana, who made a fast getaway.

“Can we sit?” Brynn asked, gesturing at a cluster of chairs that were at least slightly more private than the main corridor.

He didn’t move.

“You have two minutes,” he said, checking his watch.

“So, out in the open, then, huh?” she said with a deep breath.

He glanced at his watch again.

“Are you sleeping with her?” Brynn asked, jerking her head in the direction Dana had gone.

“You’re hardly in a position to be possessive.”

“Are you sleeping with her?” she asked again. She had to know.

He ignored the question again. “How about you start by explaining how you happen to be at the same hotel where I’ve quite intentionally come to be as far away as possible f

rom you.”

It stung. She’d known she was the reason he’d left Seattle, but it stung to hear it out loud.

“Are you sleeping with Dana, or not?”

He narrowed his eyes. “Not currently, no.”