“Oh, so you think something is funny, huh?” Brennon asked, smiling.

Before Katy could get passed her own giggle and respond, Brennon quickly wrapped his arms around her lower back then forced her over onto the seat beside them. Next thing she knew, she was staring into his blue eyes. He looked at her with a commanding stare – one that almost invoked fear. Brennon stroked deeply into her insides with her legs wrapped around his back. Katy kissed him and smiled, forgetting whatever she was going to say. She simply closed her eyes while Brennon made sweet love to her in the snow-covered car. He whispered in her ear then licked her lobe every so often; his adoration of her chest was cute, to say the least, but also a bit turn on for Katy.

“Brennon! I’m about to come!” Katy announced.

Brennon smiled and told Katy how beautiful she was then started pounding harder. Katy had been about to say something, but her head bouncing back and forth on the seat from Brennon’s weight put a stop to that. She felt her insides tensing up; Brennon himself pressed his eyes tightly closed. Katy announced when she came then Brennon himself, being given away by his groans, started grunting Katy’s name. Katy’s leg

s thralled around, wanting the passion to not stop, but she knew they couldn't be out in this park parking lot all night.

A loud groan escaped Brennon’s lips as he came then the two lovers breathed deeply, heads lying side by side. They stayed in this position for the next several minutes until Brennon lifted up, got passed the post-orgasm aura, then climbed back into the front seat. He waited patiently, wiping the sweat from his forehead, while Katy got herself together and climbed back into the front seat as well.

“Look what you made me do,” Brennon chuckled while turning the windshield wipers back on. “I was back there, all by myself, minding my business and look what you made me do.”

Katy looked over at Brennon and squinted. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. I hope when we pull off, there’s not ten police cars and the local news waiting to bust us.”

Brennon laughed then opened the car door, grabbing the scraper out of the trunk, and cleaning off the windows. When he got back inside, he told a couple of jokes about all the police cars, news crew vans, and helicopters flying over the park. He then pulled out of the parking spot and headed for the neighborhood street so he could make his way back through downtown.

“So, what happened to riding around?” Katy asked when they came out of the cluster of skyscrapers.

Brennon chuckled. “Okay, let’s ride around before I take you back home so you can get ready for work tomorrow.”

Katy realized her phone hadn’t rang in all this time. She pressed the back of her head into the seat and sighed. “Oh, don’t remind me. Look at all this snow. And I’ll have to be out in it in the morning. No telling how bad it would be.”

Brennon suggested she spend the night at his place, but Katy let him know that there were several things she would have to get at home and all that riding around wouldn’t be fair to him. Just as Brennon was rationalizing, saying he didn’t have a problem with obliging her, Katy’s phone rang. It was the school district’s automated system...letting her know that school would be canceled in the morning.

Chapter 9

Katy peered out of her classroom window and smiled. A couple of weeks ago, she would've said that winter was her least favorite month. However, after the wonderful evening she had in the snow-covered car with Brennon a week or so back, at the park looking out across the river at downtown, all of that had change. For whatever reason, all this snow that had been building up outside during the day took on a new meaning. And to say the least, the way the children marveled at the window and commented about how they were looking forward to the holiday break warmed her heart.

Katy shivered a bit. She had just come back inside from walking the children out to the school buses. She relished in the idea that only a week or so to go before she would be off for two weeks. She was already wrecking her mind trying to figure out what she was going to get her parents for Christmas. On top of that, she’d also been wondering exactly what was her and Brennon’s status. She didn’t want to get him a gift and perhaps he wasn’t thinking of getting her one; then again, if she received one from him but didn’t have one to offer back, she would feel just as horrible.

Katy sipped her tea then looked at the time. She had been prepared to rush out of the door as soon as the school buses pulled off, but there were a few things she needed to tend to before heading for the interstate. Sitting back behind her desk, she scrolled through emails then started to grade some papers. When 3:45 came, she decided she was ready to head on out and get back to her parents’ house.

When Katy had made her way through the narrow neighborhood streets then to downtown where she normally got onto the interstate, seeing a church steeple in the distance made her think of Brennon. She then realized, while flipping her turn signal off and going on under the overpass rather than getting onto the interstate, that it was the same church she had noticed a few nights while looking out of Brennon’s bedroom window. She glanced at the time and remembered Brennon saying something about one of these days he would be done with his day earlier than usual. A spark of an adventurous spirit got into her so much so that she decided to maybe stop by Brennon’s place...if he answered.

“Hello?” Brennon answered.

“Hey, it’s me, Katy,” Katy said.

Brennon’s chuckle came through the phone. “Oh, that’s who this is.”

Katy’s squinted at the phone as she got into the turn lane to turn onto the street that led to Brennon’s neighborhood. “So, anyway, I was calling to see what you were up to. I just left the school and not really ready to go home yet. Was thinking maybe I could stop by your place...hehe.”

Brennon laughed. “Of course you can. You didn’t even have to call first. And it’s interesting you call me when you do because I was just thinking about you.”

“Oh, really,” Katy said. “And what were you thinking?”

“Well, it’s actually about tonight,” Brennon said. “We’ll talk about it when you get here I guess.”

“Okay, headed down Floyd right now,” Katy said. “Be there in a sec.”

Katy hung up then, with a warmed heart, headed down Floyd. As she made her way over to Brennon’s neighborhood then into the parking lot behind his building, she wondered what he would have to ask her about tonight. Would he ask if I could spend the night?

Lately, she’d been spending so much time at his place. And 9 out of 10 times, they made love if she came over at night. Katy could feel the questioning glares of her parents getting longer and longer by the day, but she enjoyed her secret romance with Brennon for what it was worth. She thought she had been in love once before, but the feelings she had for Brennon, perhaps because of the dynamics of their relationship as well as his relationship to the family, were something totally different. Life seemed different; she smiled so much more than she used to. And Eve sat on the edge of her seat waiting to soak up every single juicy detail she could when they talked.

Katy gently tapped on Brennon’s door. Before she could even get her next breath out, the door swung open and Brennon greeted her with a smiling face. When she stepped inside, he gently wrapped his arm around her lower back and pulled her closer to him, kissing her passionately then smiling. “Hello.”

“Well, hello,” Katy said. “That was like something out of a romance movie.”