Brennon made a sour face. “Yuck,” he said, sarcastically.

Brennon welcomed Katy in as he usually did. They sat with one another at the couch and Brennon asked Katy about her day. He laughed at some of her incidents, then told her to just hold on and that she didn’t have long to go before she would be off for a full two weeks. When Katy finished, Brennon butted in with what he had to say. “So, about to night,” he began. “Did you already have any plans?”

Katy thought about it for a moment. “No, not that I know of. Why? What’s going on?” She was intrigued to know, particularly because Brennon always had something up his sleeve. “If you’re thinking about another teenage love affair in the car in the park, you better think again. I won’t be doing that kind of thing all the time.”

Brennon laughed. “No, no. That’s not what I was thinking. I’ve been invited to this book signing at an art gallery downtown this evening. I kind of don’t want to go, but feel kind of obligated, I guess.” He rolled his eyes. “It’s for this guy I used to work with on some projects, but whatever. So, I was wondering if you would like to go.”

Katy smiled and nodded. “Absolutely. You remember I told you I love art galleries, don’t you? Sure, I’ll go. What time does it start?”

“I think seven o’clock,” Brennon said. “I can check on it or whatever to be sure, but I’m pretty sure it’s seven o’clock.”

Katy groaned under her breath. “Oh, with traffic and the snow, I don’t know if I would be able to get home and change into something more appropriate. I wish you would've said something earlier.”

“Hold up, hold up.” Brennon stood up and approached the window, looking out at the snow covered street. “You don’t have to worry about that. I was about to say the rest. And, if you would like, I want to take you to a couple of department stores so maybe you can pick out something to wear.”

Katy was genuinely surprised, and thankful, but she didn’t know what to say. “Oh, well, I suppose that would be alright. If you’re sure. Brennon, seriously though, I can go home and come back. I have plenty of things I could wear to something like that.”

“No, really, Katy,” Brennon said, sitting back down next to her and placing his hand on her thigh. “Just to make it easy, we can go shopping and get you something. Plus, I want to see what kind of shopper you are.”

“What kind of shopper I am?” Katy asked. She noticed Brennon then stood up as if he were getting ready to go, so Katy followed suit. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Brennon chuckled as he helped Katy back into her coat. “Oh, nothing. Just want to see how long you take to try on one thing.”

Katy sighed and rolled her eyes. “Oh, men,” she said, heading out into the hallway. Brennon quickly grabbed his keys out of the kitchen then caught up with Katy.


“See, this is exactly wh

at I’m talking about,” Brennon said, shaking his head. He stepped up to the women’s dressing room door. “Taking all day for this one dress.”

“Oh, whatever!” Katy announced. She picked her clothes up off of the floor then looked at herself, in a strapless, blue dress in the mirror. She headed out to Brennon. “Okay, what do you think of this one?”

Brennon looked her up and down. “I think you look great, Katy,” he said. She wasn’t trying on evening gowns or anything that elegant; rather, she was simply getting something tasteful that wasn’t too loud for the art gallery. “Seriously, Katy. We’re going to be late at this point.”

Katy sighed and rolled her eyes as she headed back into the dressing room. This was the fifth dress she tried on. At this point, she was just going to go with it so she wouldn't have to hear Brennon’s mouth anymore. When she came out of the dressing room, carrying the dress over her arm, Brennon shook his head disapprovingly. “What?” she asked.

“Oh, nothing,” Brennon said.

They stepped up to the checkout lane. “No, seriously, Brennon, what is it?”

Brennon chuckled. “It’s nothing.” He kissed the side of her head. “Now it’s good to know what kind of woman you are when it comes to shopping. I’ll let you do this with your friends next time.” He laughed.

Katy playfully acted like an upset little girl as they waited in line. As they headed out the door, after Brennon paid for the dress, Katy stopped in her tracks. They’d been heading down the sidewalk to get back to Brennon’s car, which was parked two blocks over on the street. “Wait. Shouldn’t I go back in there and change in there. Where am I going to change into this?” She purposely got a dress that matched the shoes she already had on. “Brennon?”

Brennon raised his eyebrows suggestively. “In the car,” he answered then continued walking.

Katy quickly caught up. “You can’t be serious. Really?”

“Oh, calm down, calm down,” Brennon said, motioning for Katy to wrap her arm around his. And she did. “It’s not going to be that hard. I just have a thing about walking out of the store in stuff you just bought. You know.”

“Hmm, hmm,” Katy said. “No funny stuff until we at least get out of the art gallery.”

“Funny stuff?” Brennon asked. They turned a corner then both turned to the side to brace for the harsh wind coming directly at them. “I have been nothing but a gentlemen. You’re the one who climbed into the backseat of a car and woke a man up out of his sleep, forcing yourself onto him. That was you.”

Katy slapped Brennon’s shoulder as they approached his car. He held the car door open for her then climbed in himself and headed toward the other end of downtown. The shopping district, of sorts, was located in the heart of downtown, in the shadows of office towers and government buildings. The arts district, on the other hand, was about a mile away from the center – in an area that was really only open at night. Brennon cruised around the area for a while before finding a parking lot behind a closed-for-the-day printing press. He whipped into it and told Katy to go ahead and change.

Katy chuckled. “You just wanted to see me change with your own eyes. Not in a changing room.”