“Yeah, well,” Eve said. “My parents would flip if I married some guy I hadn’t lived with first. So, I say all that to say that if you’re that cautious about dating...such as yourself...and all that, then maybe you need to be trying on your shoes before you wear them so you can be sure you want to walk in them. Katy, just try finding a guy you like and all that...take it slow...then hop in the bed and see what happens. You don’t have to sleep around with ten guys or anything like that. Sleeping with a guy or two just to see what you like doesn’t make you a slut.”

Katy bit her bottom lip in thought. “I know, Eve,” she said. “But still… I guess I just feel like I could never jump into the dating game at this point in my life because I was never really in it to begin with.” She paused in thought. “Sometimes I really do think back to when I was a teenager and how I didn’t date…. And I don’t even know why.”

Eve waved her hand dismissively. “Well, I’ll help you break out of that and not be so scared.”

Eve went on about how to date – what guys nowadays look for in a woman, how to read a guy, and what warning signs to look for. Katy listened intently. For the first time, she didn’t block out Eve’s advice; rather, she soaked it up.

When Eve got up to head up to the bar to request another drink, Katy waited patiently. Thoughts about getting into the dating game rolled around in her mind; rather, whether she was ready to admit it to Eve or not, the thoughts about something serious starting with Brennon occupied her mind. As if dating wasn’t hard enough, the specifics of dating Melanie’s older half-brother made the proposition ten times more frightening.

As Eve was headed back over to the table, Katy noticed a guy checking her out from across the bar. He sat alone, in a corner, scrolling through his cell phone. For some reason, his eyes were glued to Katy as if she were the only woman in the room. Katy looked down at her drink, trying to not stare into the guy’s eyes. However, when she looked up once again, the guy stared at her once again.

Eve sat back down with a smile, ready to talk. She noticed Katy looked up and across the room. “What are you looking at, Katy?” she asked. She then turned her head in the direction where Katy had been looking. “Oh, I see,” she commented, turning back to her first drink and sipping it casually. “See what I mean, Katy. See how easy that was for you? A lot of girls can’t just be sitting here and having a guy show them attention like that.”

“Oh, calm down, Eve,” Katy said, looking away from the guy. “And don’t you go doing anything to get him to come over here.”

Eve chuckled. “You said that out on the patio that night with that Brennon guy. I’ve never done anything like that.”

Katy squinted at Eve with a face that said she’d just told a bold-faced lie. “I’m not even going to start with all the examples I could give where you’re trying to force someone on somebody else. Eve, do you forget how long I’ve known you?”

“Katy, look,” Eve said, frustrated, “if you’re talking about what’s-his-name from high school, damn it’s time to let that go.” She laughed.

Katy glanced back at the guy. He looked back and forth between his phone screen and Katy. When Katy had been looking away and toward a different area of the bar, she noticed Eve was now looking over at the guy. Next thing Katy knew, Eve raised her eyebrows suggestively then tilted her head toward Katy.

“Eve, see,” Katy snapped. “What are you doing, Eve? Seriously, what are you doing?”

The guy stood up and started zigzagging around the tables. Katy looked away, dreading the idea that this random guy might be coming over to their table. She looked over at Eve with scolding eyes. “See,” she whispered. “This is what I’m talking about, Eve. This is exactly what I’m talking about. There you go...stirring something up...just like you did when Brennon came out onto the patio. I knew I shouldn’t have gone anywhere with you.”

Eve chuckled under her breath. She looked away bashfully, as if she didn’t know what in the hell Katy was talking about. Before Katy could continue on with her grimacing, the guy had approached the table. Eve turned toward the guy and smiled. “Hey,” she said. She then turned to Katy and kicked her shin under the table.

Katy looked over at Eve with eyes that said she wanted to kill her. She then looked at the well-dressed guy and smiled. “Hey,” she said.

The 5’9”-guy smiled and nodded at Eve, but then turned to Katy. “I just thought I would come over here and say hi,” he commented.

“Oh,” Katy said, smiling nervously. “Well, hi.”

“Do you mind if I sit with you guys for a minute?” the guy asked.

Katy froze up; she didn’t know how to answer such a question. Her mind couldn’t help but to run wild with bad scenarios that could possibly result from letting this guy sit with them. They didn’t even know him after all.

“Um, well,” Katy said, at a loss for words.

“Absolutely,” Eve said, emphatically. “I don’t see why not. We have two extra chairs.”

Katy squinted at Eve then forced a smile while the guy thanked them. He zipped over to his table to get his drink then came back over to their table to join them. Katy kicked Eve’s shin repeatedly until Eve finally turned her legs out to the side rather than under the table. She looked over at her friend and told her to calm down and not be scared.

“Eve, what if he’s a serial killer or something?” Katy asked, whispering when the guy was halfway across the room.


h, stop it, Katy,” Eve said then smiled at the guy and patted the chair. “Just get a life insurance policy or something if you’re that worried around it.”

Katy shook her head – rolled her eyes and sighed. “Eve, Eve, Eve. I swear I’m never going anywhere with you again.”

The guy sat down in the chair next to Katy and smiled at these two pretty ladies. He extended his arm to shake Eve’s hand. “I’m Rob,” he said, introducing himself.

Eve shook his hand then turned to Katy. “I’m Eve. And this is my friend Katy.”

Rob shook Katy’s hand, but more delicately than he’d done with Eve. “Hello, Katy. It’s really nice to meet you.” He smiled. “Again, I’m Rob. I really hope I’m not bothering either of you by coming and sitting with you.”