“Oh, really?” Eve asked, clearly excited. She plopped down on the edge of Katy’s bed. “Well, that’s good to hear. I don’t know how you do it. There’s no way I could live with my parents as long as you have. Yeah, it’s okay to live with them while you’re finishing college, even for the sake of saving money.” Her head shook. “But to live with them just for the sake of doing so even when you don’t have to would just drive me crazy. I barely like answering the phone when my mother calls. I couldn’t imagine having to live with her even at this point. Thirty will be here before you know.”

Katy chuckled as she changed into clothes that would be more appropriate for a bar. “I want to relax for a while...maybe sit out back...before we go rushing out to a bar.” Katy paused, realizing exactly what was strange about this situation. She turned and looked at Eve with strange eyes. “Wait a minute… What are you doing here, Eve? Shouldn’t you be at work?” She glanced at the time on her phone. “It’s barely four o’clock. And you got here before I did. You didn’t get fired, did you?”

“Now, now, Katy,” Eve said. “You know I didn’t get fired. Actually, the boss was out of the office most of this afternoon. Well, let the truth be told, I saw his little mistress coming to the parking lot down from my window. I watched it all happen.” She looked away with a guilty grin. “Next thing I knew, he was gone and so was her car. Plus, I’d done enough work today anyway.”

“Yeah, you’re always doing enough work to leave,” Katy said, deciding to pick at her friend’s work life the way she picked at her love life. “Oh, Eve...the under-performing worker. You know, when it comes time to downsize, you’ll probably be the first to go.”

Eve playfully slapped Katy’s shoulder. “Don’t say that. You’re so negative...really. Here I am here to help you loosen up a bit so you can get a guy or something and you talk to me like that.”

Katy rolled her eyes then walked out of the room, heading for the staircase. Eve followed as she led her to the patio out back. There, they sat until rush hour traffic was sure to be over. When they stepped off of the front porch, Eve assumed they would be riding in her car. She was a bit surprised when she opened her car door and didn’t see Katy on the other side. She turned and looked, finding her friend over at her own car. “Katy, what are you doing?”

“I’m driving in my car,” Katy said, opening her door with a smile. “I already know how you are, Eve. You’re basically going to hold me hostage and I won’t be able to leave when I want to leave. You can ride with me.”

Eve squinted at her friend then sighed. She slammed her car door shut and walked like a let down little girl over to Katy’s car and hopped in. She looked over at Katy with disapproving eyes. “We’re spending more than fifteen minutes at this bar, Katy.”

Katy turned and grinned. “Hmm, hmm.”

Eve had just been about to say something when Katy revved the engine, causing Eve’s head to jerk back against the headrest. As Katy headed down into the city, following Eve’s directions since she decided she would allow her to choose the bar, she thought about Brennon. There were moment’s Eve would be rambling on and on about something and Katy would be zoning out, looking at the skyline in the distance and thinking about how just a couple of days ago, she met Brennon downtown to eat then they went on a walk by the river. All Katy could think about was how she had watched Brennon walk back up the block then disappear. She was truly amazed at how her perception of Brennon had changed at this point in her life. After all, while growing up, Brennon had simply always been Melanie’s older brother. Who would’ve ever though I would be contemplating a romantic relationship with Melanie's older, half-brother?


The Blue Lagoon was a favorite nightlife spot for local professionals. If you’re looking for a nice place to have some drinks, with music low enough to hear your own thoughts, and enjoy the company of other low-key professionals, the Blue Lagoon was the place for you. Having been put into a small, older warehouse then laid out with hardwood floors and funky artwork hanging around on the walls, the place had a hip, earthy feel to it. Eve and Katy took a seat in a booth halfway toward the back then ordered their drinks.

“So, what do you think of this place?” Eve asked, looking around. “I thought it would be the kind of place you would like. So?”

Katy glanced around. The view of downtown, which was about a mile away from the looks of it, was spectacular. She could even see Clark Memorial Bridge in the distance, crossing over the Ohio River like a landmark. The hills set in the backyard, looking down over the city like an overprotective mother. Katy smiled and nodded her head. “Okay, Eve. I like it, I like it. You did good...this time. I’m actually surprised you come to a place like this.”

“Yeah, I like it and...” Eve said, her words trailing off as she picked up on Katy’s comment. “Huh? You’re surprised I come to a place like this? Why is that?”

Katy snickered just as the waitress had been setting their drinks on the table. She smiled at the woman, telling her thank you then turned back to Eve. “I just didn’t,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. “This place actually has some class and whatnot, Eve. It’s nice with the art and everything...even kind of elegant.”

“Actually has some class?” Eve asked. “I’m all about class, Katy. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Katy giggled, ready to move on with the conversation. “Oh, calm down, Eve. I’m just playing. Anyway, I wanted to ask you about something...well, tell you about a dream I had and I want to know what you think it means… If nothing else, I can help you feel important or something.”

Eve leaned back, squinting. She then smiled and anxiously leaned forward ready to hear about Katy’s dream. She listened intently, looking for metaphoric lessons. When Katy finished up by sayin

g she’d woken up in her own bed after having fallen asleep on this Italian man’s chest, Eve leaned back with a joyous facial expression.

“Okay, okay,” Eve said. “This is a step in the right direction, believe it or not. So, you want to know what I think a dream like that means?”

Katy sighed. “Yeah, Eve. And God, I hope I don’t regret asking you.”

“No, I’m just the right person to ask something like that, Katy,” Eve said. “And you know that. Anyway, I think having a dream like that is saying that you have a missing void in your life...which is what I’ve been saying all this time. But, Katy, I don’t know what to think about the Fabian part… Did you go on a date or something with an Italian guy or something?”

Katy chuckled. “No… No I didn’t.” She shrugged. “I don’t know what to make of that part either. But that dream was certainly something I’ve never had before. I remember waking up confused and thinking, yeah, like you said, that it might be speaking to something else.”

Eve leaned in, purposely lowering her voice as people sat down at the next table over. “It’s saying that it’s time for you to stop this virgin business. Yeah, it’s admirable...in a way. I’m not saying you should go out and be a slam, but damn, Katy. You’re twenty-seven years-old. If you lost your virginity now, it’s not like you would burn in hell or anything.”

“Yeah, but I always imagined myself waiting until I got married,” Katy explained. “I don’t know why...and it’s not because of church. But, I guess I was just so stuck to that thought… But I am starting to rethink it.”

“Tired of being lonely?” Eve asked, sipping her drink. “That’s what it is. And that’s okay, Katy. I think you want to feel guilty or something, but you don’t have to. You have options to the point where you could even be picky if you wanted to be. And I personally don’t suggest waiting until you’re married to have sex.”

“Why is that, Eve?” Katy asked. It wasn’t that Eve’s answer would change her feelings, but it would be interesting to hear.

“Well,” Eve said, gathering her words. “I know some people are raised with a more conservative view of life and relationships and all that. And nothing’s wrong with it, but it’s not what I was taught. I was taught to try on your shoes before you wear them. Like some people won’t live with someone before they get married.”

Katy scoffed. “Yeah, I couldn’t imagine that. My parents...more-so my mom, probably...would freaking flip out if I just moved in with some guy before getting married.”