“Thanks, I think. So. What do you want?” Deacon asked, dryly.

Then he added, “Not that I don’t love it when you come over unannounced and pry into my personal life.”

“Just wanted to stop in. I was home, and bored. And I missed your ugly face. What do you have planned?”

“Uh, Chris is coming over to watch the LAU game. Why?”

“Because I wanted to hang out with you, dumb ass.”

“Jeez, fuck stick and dumb ass. Really feeling the love here,” Deacon said smirking.

Then continued, “Well, if you want to stay, we’re ordering pizza and Chris is bringing beer. I can ask him to stop and pick up some of your girly stuff if you want.”

Smirking, Chloe said, “I’ll drink your man beer, thanks.”

Tossing a pillow from the sofa at her, he said, “Go make me another sandwich.”

Flipping him the bird, she stretched out in the recliner.

Huffing, Deacon got up to go make himself another sandwich. Just as he was finishing up, Chloe shouted, “Can you bring me a drink?”

Yelling, “Ha,” he walked back into the living room and stared at the TV. Mysteriously, the channel had changed to E!

Shaking his head, he said, “No way. Turn this shit off. Football. Fox. Now.”

Laughing, she said, “You should have gotten me a drink.”

Grumbling, he looked for the remote then decided she must have hidden it.

He walked toward the receiver and flipped the channel until football was back on and said, “C’mon. You’re killing me here.”

Finally she tossed him the remote and then wandered into the kitchen to grab a beer. After opening it, she said, “Who’re they playing?”

“The Bucks.”

The door buzzed. Deacon wandered to the intercom, hearing Chris’s static-filled voice, he buzzed him in. Standing at the door to meet him, he immediately nailed him in the arm and

said, “Seriously. You freaking told my sister!”

Chris backed off, yelling, “Ouch. Dick! Yes I did. I talk too much when I drink. You know this about me. The way I figure it, you left me with her unsupervised. It’s your own fault.”

Noticing Chloe on the couch, he said, “Oh. Hey, Chlo. Thanks for selling me out.”

Giving him a wave, Chloe smiled innocently.

Looking back at Deacon and rubbing his arm, he said, “Shit. Man. That hurt.”

Deacon laughed and said, “Pussy.” Then he took the beer from Chris and stuck it in the refrigerator. Chris followed him into the kitchen, snagging one from the open pack and popping off the cap.

“So how did the date go?” Chris asked.

Clearly eavesdropping on the conversation, Chloe cackled from the living room.

Realizing she had dirt, Chris moved back to the living room with Deacon right on his heels and said, “Give me details, Chlo. You owe me.”

Chris gave her a dirty look and rubbed his arm for good measure.

Chloe continued to laugh and said, “I don’t have details. Thank Jesus. However, you may want to ask Deacon about the scr—”