Deacon sighed, slightly frustrated, and ran his hand through his messy hair and said, “I’m trying to tell you that this mattered. Despite all previous experience you’ve had with me, I’m not that guy anymore. If I’m sleeping with you, I’m not seeing anyone else.”

Sara’s eyes softened and she said, “It did matter. It does. I’d like to see where this goes. I don’t feel particularly inclined to date anyone else, either. I’m sure as hell not sleeping with anyone else. Last night was the best sex I’ve ever had. By a ridiculously wide margin.”

Smirking, Deacon asked, “How ridiculous?”

Sara laughed and said, “I’ve really gotta go now.”

Deacon leaned forward, brushing his lips against hers and said, “Me too, by the way. Huge margin. Like, not even close.”

Sara grinned and said, “I’ll text you later,” then leaned in and planted a long, slow kiss on his lips. After she had pulled back, and opened the car door, she looked back to see Deacon blinking.

She exited the car, giving him a little wave as she unlocked her front door.

Slowly backing out of the driveway, he drove back to his apartment, took a hot shower, got halfway dressed, then decided to crawl back in bed.

Finally surfacing around noon, he wandered into the kitchen. Absently scratching his bare chest, he looked for something to eat. Deciding to make a sandwich, he wandered into the living room with it and flipped on the television.

Just as he was starting to get comfortable, there was a knock on his door. He went to unlock it, and looked down at his boxers. Oh well, he thought. Come over unannounced and you get to see my boxers.

Looking out the peephole, he saw Chloe staring impatiently at the door. Flipping the locks, he opened the door said, “C’mon in. Gonna go get some clothes on.”

Wandering back into the living room, fully dressed, he said, “Hey Chlo. What’s up?” then paused to stare at her as she took a bite of his sandwich.

“What the hell?! Gimme my sandwich, brat!”

Chloe laughed, her mouth full. When she had finished chewing, she said, “So things are going well with Sara then?”

Momentarily distracted by her question, he forgot about the sandwich and peered at her suspiciously, slowly saying, “Yes.”

“No kidding. The fingernail scratches on your back kind of gave it away, stud,” Chloe said, laughing loudly.

“None of your business, kid, but yes. Things are going well.”

Deacon shifted uncomfortably on the couch.

Thoroughly enjoying his discomfort, she asked, “So. You guys are a thing now?”

Deacon nodded and said, “I think so. She’s kind of hard to pin down. But yeah. I really like her.”

Nodding, Chloe said, “I can see that. What about your working relationship though?”

“What about it? We’re going to keep things as separate as possible. She’s doing a bang-up job, so I don’t have any complaints there.”

“Makes sense. So, you think this will stick?” Chloe asked, scanning his face.

Shrugging he said, “I dunno. Based on our history, she’s leery and I don’t think she trusts me yet.”

“Well you walked out on her after sex with a handshake. Of course she’s nervous, fuck stick. But that’s not what I asked you,” Chloe said, apparently channeling some rage on behalf of the entire female species.

Deacon stared at her, his eyes narrowed, then he said, “Chris. That asshole. He told you?”

Laughing, she said, “At the club the other night, two shots and he was telling all.”

Sobering, she asked, “So like I asked…do you think this will stick?”

Frowning, he said, “I don’t know. I really hope it does.”

Giving him a sympathetic look, she said, “It’ll be fine, Deak. The fact she slept with you is promising.”