Page 107 of When You Became Mine

I’d stalled for as long as I could, bile creeping up the back of my throat as I’d asked him what he was doing. And better yet, why he was doing it. But eventually he’d tired of my pleas and pressed the knife to my chest hard enough that the tip had nicked my skin.


t was when I saw the droplet of blood welling around the steel of the blade that I realized the Smith I thought I knew and loved was not the man he’d claimed to be.

He’d come unhinged.

And worse, he was desperate.

And that made him downright dangerous.

I shoved the car door open and stumbled out just as Lawson landed a punch on Smith’s jaw, his head snapping to the side. “Lawson, stop!”

I grabbed at his arm as it reared back again but wasn’t able to get a grip on it before it flew toward Smith’s face again. The sickening thud of knuckles on flesh ripped another scream from my throat.

“Please, stop!” I sobbed, tears flowing down my face as he ignored my pleas and continued to pummel him.

Smith fought back, his own fist connecting with Lawson’s face a time or two, but his punches were nothing more than an annoyance that only served to fuel Lawson’s rage.

A crowd had gathered and were murmuring to themselves, cries of shock with every blow.

“Please, stop. Please. You’re going to get in trouble. You’re going to ruin your career.”

It was as though he didn’t even hear me, but I couldn’t stop myself from pleading with him to quit before he ruined everything.

“Lawson, stop, dammit! I can’t lose you.”

And with those words, he froze. And while his eyes were still wild and blazing with fury, they connected with mine and he jumped to his feet, leaving Smith in a heap on the ground.

“Fuck.” He clipped out before shoving his split and bloodied hand through his hair. “Fuck, I’m sorry.”

His arms opened and I threw myself into them, not caring that his shirt was bloody. Or that he had nearly killed a man who less than an hour ago I considered family. Or that I was glad Lawson had beaten him to a pulp.

He was still holding me against his chest, my tears mixing with blood that could have belonged to either man when Pieters appeared at our side, two uniformed officers behind him.

Lawson’s partner surveyed the scene and then jerked his chin to where his car was still running, parked in the middle of the road. “Get her in the back. I’ll take care of them.”

I looked over Lawson’s shoulder to see Hampton kneeling beside his husband, his hands running over his battered face.

I didn’t know how Hampton would ever get over this.

But I couldn’t stop to think about that. I needed to get Lawson in the car. And to the hospital to have his hands X-rayed and cleaned up.

The explanations, the healing, everything could wait.



One month later

“Hurry,” I moaned, arching my back to meet his punishing rhythm. “I’m so close, Lawson. Come with me.”

A growl emanated from his chest as his teeth clamped down hard onto my shoulder, his thrusting increasing in urgency.

“God, don’t stop,” I cried as his finger continued swirling my clit, pushing me closer and closer to the edge.

It didn’t matter how many times I felt him inside me, I never got enough of the way he worshipped my body.