Page 106 of When You Became Mine


“Motherfucker!” I roared, throwing my phone onto the floorboard of the car Pieters was driving. “Go. Faster.”

He didn’t even hazard a response, just pushed the accelerator even harder. I checked the exit sign on the interstate and saw we were only two miles from where Piper was currently alone with that maniac.

It may as well have been a thousand.

Everything was in slow motion. Everything except the thundering of my heart.

But I didn’t have time to think about anything other than what I was going to do with that piece of shit the moment I got my hands on him. And, the drive over had given me enough time to plan the order in which I was going to rip his limbs from his body.

He’d picked the wrong family to mess with. It was bad enough that he’d gone after Piper, but marrying my brother as his way in and then trying to ruin his career as well?

The moment Hampton had turned to head for the hospital, the family dinner Piper and I had snuck off flashed into my mind. Smith had been in the bedroom with our stuff.

With Piper’s purse.

And her prescription pad.

He’d tried to play it off as being lost, and I’d been so wrapped up in Piper I hadn’t stopped to question it. Guilt washed over me when I realized I could have stopped it all along, but I shoved the feeling aside as Pieters took the exit and barely tapped the brake as he turned onto Parliament Street. We were three blocks away when traffic came to a standstill.

“Goddammit!” I shouted, slamming my fist into the dash.

From the back seat, Hampton finally spoke up, “You’re wrong about Smith.”

I took his face in through the rearview mirror and despite his words to the contrary, his face was bleak. Even he couldn’t deny that all signs pointed to Smith.

“Fuck it, I’m getting out of here.” I shoved the door open and threw a leg out just as Pieters caught my shirt. “Whoa, slow down. We’ll be there in just a minute.”

“I’m not waiting another second,” I said, shaking his hand off.

But instead of loosening his grip, he held on tighter. “Don’t fuck this up, Lawson! I know you want to get to Piper, but don’t risk the whole case.”

“Let. Go,” I bit out through clenched teeth, my gaze meeting his. He must have seen the sheer terror in my eyes, because his hand immediately released my arm and he simply said, “Go. We’ll catch up.”

As I slammed the door I heard Pieters growl a warning at my brother to stay in the car and with those words, I was off. I sprinted down the sidewalk, dodging the people who were out enjoying the sunny day.

I rounded the corner of Fifth Street just in time to see Piper sliding into Smith’s passenger seat, her face white as a sheet. The only thing that could have drawn my attention away from her terrified face was the shiny object that glinted in the sunlight that Smith was holding in his hand.

My heart raced, panic and fear igniting in my veins.

I wouldn’t let her go.

Piper was mine. And if he thought he could take her, he was about to learn a very valuable lesson.

He was shutting the door, his back to me when I dove forward, tackling him to the ground in a single fluid movement.

His scream told me he never saw me coming.

I didn’t stop the murderous smile that crept over my face.


“Lawson!” I screamed as I watched him take Smith to the ground.

I’d seen him when he came around the corner and the determination in his face was the only thing that kept me from passing out as the door clicked shut.

Smith had cornered me. I’d had no choice but to do what he said when he’d revealed the silver blade of his knife.