I perused the details again: the small stage, the long table where servers would bring food. Wait a second. There was a box on it that hadn’t been there before. And it had my name on it!

I looked sideways at Winston, who grinned. I hadn’t gotten him anything!

“That’s for me?” I double-checked.

His grin widened. “Has your name on it.”

“And I can open it now?”

“That’s why I brought you here.”

“Gimme, gimme.”

I felt like a kid on Christmas morning as I opened it quickly. There was yet another box inside. I looked at Winston speculatively, hoping for a hint. He gave nothing away.

I opened—what? Yet another box, only this one was tiny. What could fit into a box this small? I wasn’t materialistic, but well... when it came to presents, the bigger, the better.

Winston watched me closely as I opened it, and all that heat and intensity rolling off him wasn’t helping matters. It made me jittery.

He reached inside the box before I could see what it was, and then I gasped, placing a palm over my chest. I felt as if my heart might spring out any second now.

I was looking at a gorgeous princess-cut diamond in a platinum band that was set with tiny rose quartz stones.

Winston was holding it between his thumb and forefinger, and I felt my eyes turn misty at the corners. I’d always thought that knowing you’ve found the one was going to take time... until I was sure. But this felt so perfect that I was close to bursting with happiness. I didn’t even know it was possible to feel so much joy. It was like a physical force, like a pressure from the inside out.

“Yes! Yes!” The words burst out of me loudly. I grinned sheepishly.

Winston chuckled. “I haven’t even asked yet.”

“It’s a yes anyway.”

I held my hand out for him to slide the ring on. I was jittery. I didn’t care, didn’t even try to hide it. This was Winston. My Winston.

His hand held mine strong and steady, but I thought that his breathing pattern was a little uneven.

“Sienna, here, in this place where we fell in love, I’m promising you that I will cherish you every day of our life. You’re smart, beautiful, kind, sweet. Sassy when the situation requires it.”

“Which is almost always.”

He laughed. “I agree.”

He touched my cheek with his fingers, dragging them down my chin, resting them on my neck.

“I promise to love you and make you happy, always, even if it means letting you turn these offices into Santa Land every Christmas. I’ll even help you.”

“Now I’m suspicious.”

He waggled his eyebrows. Now I was even more suspicious.

“In fact, let’s make this a rule. You can only hang the decorations outside of business hours, and only if I’m watching. Every time I hang something where you can’t reach, you take off an item of clothing.”

I doubled with laughter. “Now I get it. You’re just hoping to get me naked.”

“Well, I just like being around you. Naked time is a bonus.”

“I can’t believe you went from being a broody boss from hell to being a seductive—if opportunistic—fiancé.”

“All your doing.”