Pippa laced her arm around mine, escorting me to her desk. “Everything is in the Bennett family.”


One day later


“Sister, I know your matchmaking credentials are impressive, but you can’t claim any credit for Winston and Sienna,” Alice said to Pippa.

We were all in the Statham building, ready for the inauguration party of the revamped store. The group was huddled in a corner, away from everyo

ne else.

“I know, I know,” Pippa said.

I laced my arm with Pippa’s, dropping my voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “I wouldn’t say that. All those dangerous ideas you planted in my head about doing the grouchy boss... definitely helped.”

Pippa’s smile was so smug that I couldn’t help laughing. Next to us, Blake shook his head mockingly.

“Don’t encourage her, Sienna. Every time someone tells her she’s right, that’s one more battle I lose.”

Pippa narrowed her eyes. “Brother of mine, you’re being unfair.”

“Did you or did you not side with Clara when we picked our girl’s name? Hermione.”

“But I also talked Clara into giving her two names, so you could have yours as well. Does that not count for anything?”

Blake winked, shaking his head. “The women in our family will be the death of me.”

Pippa patted his shoulder. “Don’t be so dramatic. We girls have to stick together. Clara and I have our secrets.”

Blake looked positively frightened. “What does that mean? Actually, I don’t even want to know.”

“Shhh... it’s starting, and I want to pay attention,” I said.

Bennett Enterprises became an official partner of Statham Stores four months ago. I loved, loved, loved my new duties. I was still working on all aspects of branding, but Bennett duties were making up a big chunk of my tasks. It was even better than what I’d envisioned whenever I’d planned my future at Bennett Enterprises. Lesson learned. Sometimes it’s worth keeping an open mind instead of planning in too much detail.

We closed this building for renovations right after the deal was signed, to add the jewelry section and to implement the rebrand Winston and I had worked on. The result was simply beautiful. The core structure had remained the same, but with the added playground in the food court and the mini entertainment corner on every floor, the place was more alive and inviting than ever before.

I couldn’t wait for the next Christmas season.

Winston went up on a small stage we’d set up right next to the entrance.

“Welcome, everyone. Thank you for joining us at this opening party. My mother and father have left me a legacy I’m proud to carry on.” He looked at his parents, who were only a few feet away, beaming. “We’re entering a new era for the Statham Stores. I couldn’t have done this without my smart and beautiful girlfriend, Sienna Hensley, as well as the support of the entire Bennett family. It’s my honor to welcome them as official partner in Statham Stores.”

Everyone clapped, I even harder than the rest. I watched with pride as my man walked toward us, smiling from ear to ear. God, was he sexy or what? All that swagger, that muscle-laced body moving with all the confidence in the world.

“I need to steal Sienna for a bit,” he told the group, placing an arm around my shoulders. What was going on?

“What is it?” I asked, as Winston led me upstairs.

“Just wanted to do one last check on the party room.”


We’d gone over every detail quite a few times, but I guessed one last check wouldn’t hurt.

We were hosting a party for the team in the same room where we’d held the Christmas party all those months ago.