“Talking about the shit and seeing the shit are two different things. Just keep an eye on him tonight. I don’t trust him for some reason,” Uncle Jimmy said.

Murder nodded, but in the back of his mind, he wasn’t even listening to his uncle.

“How’s Ms. Ella? Is she coming with you tonight?” Murder asked, changing the subject.

“Your auntie and I are just fine. I’m happy as hell that we’re both old as hell. If we were younger, she would be knocked up every year,” he said with a smile.

“Too much information,” Murder said and laughed. “Let’s go downstairs and make sure everything is set up right. I need this shit to go smooth tonight, no fuck ups,” Murder said.

They walked downstairs, and everything was set the way he asked. The room was decorated in yellow, silver, and tan. When Nell said those particular colors, he looked at her with a side-eye, but once everything was together it looked damn good. There were balloons that spelled out Lawrynn’s name and the phrase ‘We Love You’ was as well in alternating colors. He knew that she would be pleased and surprised all at the same time.

“She’s on her way. Is everything set the way you want it. Are you ready?” Uncle Jimmy asked.

“It’s go time. Is everybody here?” Murder asked.

“Everybody that matters,” he answered.

“Well then, I guess it’s show time.”

“Get your life right, nephew,” Uncle Jimmy said.

Murder got an alert on his phone that the car with Lawrynn was about five minutes out. He got his stuff together and went to the stage of the club.

“She’s five minutes out, everybody. We’re gonna turn the lights out and can you all clear the dance floor?” he asked everyone.

The crowd did as they were asked. The lights were cut off. Everyone heard the door open then the spotlight went on Murder. Everyone was looking at the door that opened. They were shocked to see Lawrynn on the arm of an unknown man. She tried to make it look like everything was okay, but Murder knew different. He gave a head nod to Allen, and then he dipped out of t

he crowd. The look of fear and unexpected terror on Lawrynn’s face made Murder want to kill the nigga beside her. He didn’t know the nigga from what he could see but he also saw Kelvin come up from the back of the crowd. Once Lawrynn and the stranger got in front of Murder, who was standing in the middle of the dance floor. He could see the tears coming down her face.

“I hear you a nigga who means something out here in these streets,” the man told Murder.

Murder neglected to say anything in response. He just kept his eyes on Lawrynn. He could see Allen coming up out of his peripheral vision, but he didn’t want to let of that fact to the man in front of him.

“Who the fuck are you, and what do you want?” Murder asked.

“I figured since you the man, and you’re sprung on baby girl here, you could get her folks to come talk to me tonight. Everybody knows Lawrynn is the favorite of this fucked up family of hers. In order to get their attention and yours in the quickest way possible, I had to use her so all of y’all can know that I’m not fucking around. I need some answers and some blood. It doesn’t matter to me the order or who it comes from. All I know is there ain’t nobody leaving here tonight until I get what I want,” the man said.

“Then you should know you picked the wrong one today, nigga. I ain’t got shit to do with this damn family. She is my only concern. You can kill all they asses if you want. Just leave her out of it,” Murder said through clenched teeth.

Murder knew he didn’t have any answers for this man, so what the hell was he gonna do?

“When the fuck did you get out?” he heard Aunt La-La say out of nowhere.

“I know this is a shock to you. Where the fuck is my daughter, bitch? I need her to see her mama let the world know what the hell she did,” the man said.

“Fuck you, Mike-Mike,” La-La said.

“Daddy, is that you?” Nell asked as she walked up.

The man looked at her and got tears in his eyes.

“Yes, baby, I had to come see you. I missed so much of you growing up. It’s all your mama’s fault. She did this shit, not me,” he said.

“I didn’t do shit. It’s not my fault you got fucking sloppy,” La-La said.

“Sloppy is the last thing I was. I got proof that it wasn’t me. The quicker you talk the faster we can get back to the party bitch,” he said.

“Say what? I don’t have shit to talk about. Why are you in here questioning my black ass?” La-La asked.