“Ask your fucking sister,” Mike-Mike said.

“My sister? What the hell are you talking about? Laura, what the fuck is going on?” she asked her sister.

Mike-Mike started to say something to her when he was hit on the head by Allen. He fell to the floor. The gun that was in his hand slid across the floor. Murder jumped down on the ground and started tussling with the man who he now knew as Nell’s father. None of that mattered to him right now, and he was going to make him feel pain for putting Lawrynn in whatever bullshit he had going on with her family. As far as Murder was concerned, he was going to have to kill the whole damn family just for one day of peace.

Uncle Jimmy and Kelvin were trying to get Murder and Mike-Mike separated. The whole scene was nothing but chaos and confusion. No matter how hard those two tried to get Murder off Mike-Mike, he just kept hitting him. It was like they were stuck together with glue.

Lawrynn stood there and watched her day go from sugar to shit. When she arrived, she knew that Murder was up to something. Thanks to her cousin’s father, she may never know what this whole thing was originally about. Watching the anger on Murders face let her know that it was time for her to step in.

“What the hell did you just do?” Nell asked Allen.

“Real shit, I get that he’s ya Pops, but he violated by bringing Lawrynn into this. You and she are off limits to every fucking body. Ya damn daddy is included in that shit. You know how the fuck we roll. He should’ve snatched up the right one. Nigga just made a bad choice,” Allen said.

“Oh my god, Allen, what if you killed him?” Nell yelled.

“Murder, let the man go! Please!” she hollered as loud as she could.

Murder stopped like someone had turned the switch off in his head. He looked at Lawrynn standing there with tears in her eyes and a pleading look on her face. All of a sudden, he leaped in her direction and push her out of the way.

At the same time, a gunshot went off, and everyone started running for an exit or for something to hide behind. Allen ignored Nell’s question as he searched for Murder and Lawrynn. He couldn’t find them anywhere, and he started to get antsy that he was seeing everyone but them.

“You didn’t have to hit him that damn hard,” Nell fussed as she leaned down to try to help her father.

“Fuck that nigga. He had Law Baby hemmed up and was talking big shit to Murder. You better be glad all I did was knock his ass out. He deserved more than that,” he barked at her.

Allen just shook his head at her. They would have to talk later once all this bullshit was over.

“Yo, yo, Allen, man we need you over here!” one of the bouncers yelled.

Allen jogged through the crowd of nosey mother fuckers who were still around after the gunshot. There were always those who only wanted to be on the scene of whatever was going down.

“Move y'all fake Shade Room reporting asses out the way,” Allen said as he made it to where the bouncer was leading him.

As soon as he turned the corner, he had to pause in his tracks. Lawrynn had Murder lying in her lap, and she was sobbing over him. He started his steps back up again.

“Don’t you do this to me, Maurice! You better not fucking leave me!” Lawrynn said as Allen got close enough to see the blood on her dress and all over Murder.

To be continued…