“What the fuck are you doing here?" Laura asked with a voice that was shaky but trying to be firm.

“You mean to tell me you’re not happy to see me. I had to find out what was going on with my daughter from two strange niggas knocking on my door. I expect that from you, Laura, but La-La. I thought we were better than that. Is that why you stopped calling me and letting me know what was going on with my baby girl?” Kelvin said.

“La-La, what the fuck is he talking about? Have you been talking to this clown ass nigga about my child behind my back? He ain't shit and ain't never been shit. You’re supposed to be my fucking sister. Fuck this nigga and his punk ass feelings. He don’t need to know shit about my damn child,” Laura said.

“You wanna keep secrets from me just like you wanna keep secrets from everybody else here, huh? Why you ain’t never tell Lawrynn about her sister?” Kelvin said.

At first, he was on the fence about coming there, but seeing Laura’s face was well worth it. Kelvin knew he had her ass, but he also knew she wouldn’t go out without a fight.

“Oh, that’s what you’re here for? You think you got something on me, well you don’t, with your smart ass. I only got one damn child, and I dare your pathetic ass to prove me wrong. My own sister can be my witness for that,” Laura said and looked at La-La.

“That’s my damn cue to go find a cigarette and learn to smoke. This shit sounds mad personal to my black ass. Sis, hit me up when y’all done talking about unknown kids and shit. Y’all gonna mess around and make my pressure go up. Niggas and flies always coming around with some shit,” La-La and walked out of the room after putting her purse on her shoulder.

She had one finger in the air, looking like a little old lady going to the bathroom during the preacher’s sermon on Sunday morning.

“We’re here to find out about Nikki, and that's all. I don't have to talk to any of you motherfuckers. Nikki is the one we’re concerned about. You know, my niece. La-La is family and ain’t none of y’all motherfuckers in here family, so as far as I'm concerned, y'all can get the fuck out," Laura said, trying to change the subject.

“I’d love to see your crazy ass try to put us out. Just because you come up here making all that noise don’t mean these people gonna listen to you. They’ve seen you act up every single time you bring your ass up here. Go ’head, be my guest and try to get us put out. I double dog dare your simple ass,” Pain said.

“You need to leave these boys alone. I need to talk to you anyway, so come talk to me in the hallway. It’s obvious you don’t want to talk in front of everybody. Just make sure you talk to me before I talk to Lawrynn. I don’t give a shit either way,” Kelvin said.

“Say whatever you have to say. I’m not going in no hallway for you to kidnap me. Do I look like a jackass to you?” she asked Kelvin.

“Yeah,” Pain and Murder said together.

“You sure?” Kelvin asked.

“Nigga, say what you gotta say,” Laura said.

“Fine. Where’s Lanisha? Where is the daughter you tried to convince me was mine? The same damn daughter you told me that you sent with her father, so I would stay with your sneaky pussy ass,” Kelvin asked.

Laura looked around like a deer caught in the middle of the street with a car shining bright headlights heading straight for her. She looked at Murder, Uncle Jimmy, Ms. Ella, and Pain, and then rolled her eyes.

“Fuck you, Kelvin, and all that you stand for. I’m only gonna say this once, so pay close attention,” she said, walking up to him with her hands on her hips. “I. HAVE. ONE. DAUGHTER. NIGGA,” she yelled and then went and sat in a chair on the other side of the room.

Kelvin shook his head because it was crazy how she was gonna ride this lie out to the end. He looked at Uncle Jimmy and nodded.

“Make the call. If she doesn’t want her chance to tell the truth, then fuck her. I’m gonna speak my damn truth because there’s no telling what this bitch told my daughter about me. Murder, whenever you’re ready, I am too. I ain’t got time to keep bullshitting with her ass. Talking about fuck my feelings, I’m gonna fuck hers so damn good them shits gonna get knocked up with my big head ass twins,” Kelvin said.

Murder gave a head nod in return. The original plan was to keep him tucked away, but since Laura knew Kelvin was in town, there’s no reason why Lawrynn couldn’t know too.

“Hello, I’m Dr. Jacobs. I want to give you an update on your fiancée,” the doctor said as he came in and looked at Pain. Pain stood to his feet. “We unfortunately had to deliver the baby. When we did that, the child did not have a heartbeat. I’m sorry. We tried everything we could. As for your fiancée, we have her heavily sedated. She should come out of it sometime tomorrow. We have a psychiatrist coming to talk to her whenever she wakes up. I know this is a major blow to you both. Once we get her in a room, you can go back to see her. She may not be awake, but I know in situations like this, the family usually feels better when they see their loved one,” the doctor said before leaving.

“Damn, man, this is fucked up. Pain, man this shit is fucked up,” Murder said with his hand on Pain’s shoulder.

Pain continued to stand there with a faraway look in his eyes. Ms. Ella gave him a hug, but he just stood there with his arms at his side. Although Kelvin didn’t know any of these people, he still felt the sad vibe in the air. He shook his head because nobody should have to go through this. Granted, he didn’t know the full backstory, but even a blind man could see the anguish in Pain’s face.

Chapter Sixteen

Laura hauled ass out of the room right behind the doctor. She couldn’t believe what the doctor had just said. Tears ran down her face as she walked out of the hospital.

“What’s going on, Laura?” La-La asked.

“She lost the baby, and they have her on medication that’s gonna have her sleeping at least until tomorrow,” Laura answered.

Her mind was going a mile a minute even though she looked calm. On the inside, she felt like her world was slowly coming to an end. It was going to be all her fault, for sure. She shouldn’t have been so stupid in her younger days. After all these years of ignoring all the shit that she did back then, how could it come back on her all at one time.

“What are you gonna do when he tells Lawrynn everything?” La-La asked.