Laura rolled her eyes and kissed her teeth.

“Like I would tell your ass anything else. What type of shit you been on? I thought we talked about this and we were in this together. How long have you been talking to him behind my back?” Laura asked.

“Since about two years after he left. I found him on Black Planet one day and got his phone number. He would ask about Lawrynn all the time, so I just started calling him and sending pictures of her and stuff. I didn’t see any harm in it. He just wanted to know about his daughter,” La-La said.

“I would never give anybody info on your damn daughter without you knowing about it. Let me find out you got a damn motive behind doing that shit. You forget I know all about your shit too, bitch. I bet you don’t think I’ll make a trip up to the damn jail and let Mike-Mike know some sit about you,” Laura told her sister. “I’ll be damned if I go down alone, so guess what? That means I’m bringing your ass with me,” Laura added.

“I don’t know what you think you know, but I don’t have shit to hide,” La-La said.

“If you say so,” Laura said and gave her sister an evil wink then laughed as she walked away.


Murder and Kelvin left the hospital about an hour after Pain got settled in the room with Nikki. When they left, Uncle Jimmy and Ms. Ella were still there. They were sitting outside the house now, and Murder had just killed the engine.

“Are you ready for this?” Murder asked.

“I’m nervous, but not in a bad way. I hope she didn’t pick up that evil trait from her mama,” Kelvin said with a nervous chuckle.

“Nah, she’s been through too much to be evil like her. Take it easy on her. She just got to the point where she doesn’t have to wear the glasses, but the doctor told her yesterday that she may have headaches off and on because her eyes may get strained. If she’s talking to you and she starts holding her head, that means her head is bothering her. She may or may not tell you or even me.

“Just giving you a heads up. If she goes off and starts cussing, just let her get it all out. I want her to be comfortable with you before you throw this sister shit on her. I do know that I want you to tell her before I propose. That way, she’ll know that I want her flaws and all,” Murder said.

“Damn, that’s deep as hell. But, if you hurt her, I’m coming for you,” Kelvin said seriously.

“I’ll be waiting,” Murder answered.

They both got out of the car. Kelvin was sure to walk behind Murder. He was content knowing that Lawrynn was in good hands, and he could tell by how Murder carried himself that he would lay down his life for her.

Murder walked into the house and was greeted by the sound of loud Reggae music. Lawrynn came in the room dressed in Murder’s Norfolk State University t-shirt, which came to below her knees, with a pair of gold tights underneath. On her feet were some Norfolk State fuzzy house socks to finish off her outfit.

“Hey baby,” she said with a smile until she saw the man standing behind him.

/> Lawrynn stood there looking at an older version of the picture that she had in her house, purse, and posted up on the dashboard of her car. She blinked her eyes a few times, thinking that maybe she was dreaming or just plain delusional.

“Daddy?” she asked.

“Yeah, babygirl, it’s me. I… umm didn’t think you would remember me,” Kelvin said, standing still because his feet would not move.

“I did get to keep one of your pictures after you left. Mama thought she burned or cut them all up. I was young when you left, but I didn’t want to forget you, so I took one of the pictures and hid it in my room,” she revealed to him.

Hearing that made Kelvin smile. She could’ve only been about six or seven when he left, so how could she be that young and so smart?

“I need to explain to you why I’ve been gone for so long,” Kelvin started.

“No, you don’t. Like I said, when you left, Mama was running around the house like a crazy person crying and cursing. All the things that you left, she burned, sold, or cut up. Then, one day, out of nowhere, she told me that you were my imaginary friend. When I kept asking questions about you, she said that you were dead. I have a picture of you in my house and car, and she’s been in both and never acted like she saw it.

“The last time we talked about you, I think I was a freshman in high school. I asked about you, and she told me that you didn’t want us anymore. By that time, there were so many kids in my school whose fathers had walked out. I knew there was something else going on. We would all sit around talking about what crazy things our mothers told us about our fathers. The sad part is that she was too bitter to even allow me to form my own opinion of you. I felt like since you treated me so good when you were around, that if you did leave us then there had to be a reason why. I remember the times you would let me watch scary movies with you and then sleep in my room on the floor, so I would sleep in my own bed,” she said as she cried.

“Forgive me for staying away from you so long. I was a coward to stay away. Your mother being a bitch isn’t enough of a reason for me to stop all contact with you. If you allow me to, I will call you every day and come see you every chance I get from now on,” Kelvin said.

“I would love that. I’ve missed you so much. I think it’ll be nice having a sane parent for once,” Lawrynn said with a smile through the falling tears.

Kelvin was even crying. He expected Lawrynn to curse him, blame him, or even try to put him out. He never thought in all these years that she would react the way she just did.

“Thank you, babygirl. I love you. I always have,” Kelvin told her.

“I love you too, Daddy,” she told him just before they embraced.