“What if it was you who had to sit back and watch your so-called brother marry the woman that you still love?” Pain asked.

“I would’ve treated her right in the first place. You need to get over this shit because I'm tired of fucking hearing about it," Allen said as he stood to his feet to leave pain in the room alone.

Pain didn't intend to come off as a hater. He could see how much Murder loved Lawrynn, and he could see him changing for the better since being with her. Murder seemed a lot calmer. Once Pain sat down and thought about it, he realized that Murder hadn't killed anyone. He couldn't even recall the last time he actually shot somebody. Pulling a gun at the hospital didn't count because he wanted to shoot Ms. Laura his damn self.

At times like these he needed a good female ear to listen to him. All the guys were just telling him to get over it and move on. For the first time, he could admit that moving on might not be possible at all.

He headed to his car, hoping that Connie could help him. He had called or tried to go see her since she told him what Nikki did. She was the only person who he knew would tell him the truth about the situation. Everyone else was either close to the situation or in it with him.

Pain drove to the hospital because he knew she would most likely be there. After cruising the parking lots for almost a half an hour, he finally saw her car. Now that he knew she was there, he had to figure out a way to get her to even listen to him. He knew it was a long shot, but it was the only shot he had.

After parking his car, Pain nervously walked into the hospital. His hands were sweaty, and his heart was beating fast. He couldn't remember a time when he was so nervous. The way he saw it, he and Connie were only friends, so there was no reason for him to be acting like a teenaged boy about to meet his girlfriend’s parents. He got to her office and saw the light on through the shade in the small window beside the door. After taking a deep breath, he finally knocked.

“Come in,” he heard her say from the other side of the door.

He slowly walked into the office and saw her head down. For a moment, he was grateful that she wasn’t looking at him.

“Connie," he said to get her attention.

Her head flew up in an instant when she realized who was talking. She can see the stress on his face; this wasn't a friendly visit.

“Why are you here?” she asked him as her face formed into a scowl.

“I know you don't want to see me right now, but I could use your advice on something. It's not about my baby mama or anything that she's done to you. I need an honest, listening ear, and you’re the first person I thought about,” Pain said to her.

“If it brought you here to my office, it must be something important. If you agree not to bring up your baby mother, I guess I can help you. It’s not like you have a real female on your team right now. I have an hour before I have to go back to my rounds, so you need to start talking,” Connie said.

“The girl who got burned in the face is my ex-girlfriend and my baby mother's cousin. I know it sounds like a fucked up situation, but I'm not a fuck nigga. My ex-girlfriend is now in a serious relationship with a man who I consider to be my brother, even though we don’t share the same blood. This is my first time actually talking about all this with someone outside of my circle,” Pain told her.

“So, let me get this right. Your baby mama and your ex-girlfriend are cousins, right? On top of that, your ex-girlfriend is now dating your best friend who you considered a brother. You sure know how to pick ’em. How do you feel about your ex being with your brother as you call him?” Connie asked.

“I try not to think about it. Then, today he tells me that he's going to propose to her, and he wants me to be his best man," Pain said.

Connie's mouth dropped open as she stared at him with wide eyes.

“How fresh is the break up between you two?" Connie inquired.

“Close to a year," he answered. “I'm not going to lie, I miss the fuck out of her,” Pain said.

r /> “Truthfully, why did you break up?” Connie asked. She asked that question more out of her own curiosity that a true need to know.

“I cheated, neglected her, and was never there for her like I should have been,” he said.

Connie sat back and studied Pain for a long time before answering. The pain on his face was clear to see. She was undecided if that pain would lead to him becoming a better man or just a better dog.

“If you know you didn't treat her the way she needed to be treated, then what’s the problem?" Connie asked. I'm just saying, everybody needs to be happy. She wasn't happy with you, so now she's happy with him. Am I reading this situation the right way? I don't want to assume that you not treating her like a queen was the only reason she left,” she said.

“She didn't leave me. I broke up with her after I found out there was a chance that her cousin could be pregnant. Her cousin I had been sleeping with each other off and on for a while. I left her without an explanation. She found out later that her cousin was pregnant with my baby,” he said.

“So, you didn’t come out and tell her yourself?” Connie asked. He shook his head from side to side to answer her. “How does the friend that you call your brother fit into this?”

Connie was now sitting straight up in her chair. This shit was more entertaining to her than the reality shows on TV.

“He ran into her one day. She ended up telling him that I broke up with her. We had words, and he started saying how dumb I was to let her go and all that other shit. I told him if he wanted her then go ahead and shoot his shot. I didn’t think he would do it, though,” Pain said.

“You need to let it go. It sounds to me that even if she wasn’t with your friend, she still wouldn’t be with you. There’s no reason for you to even act like you’ve got a chance of getting back together. Let her be happy and focus on your own shit. That’s my advice to you,” she said.

“I kinda knew you were gonna say that.”