The words were laced with disappointment and hurt more than anything else. Uncle Jimmy knew what kind of bond they had. Seeing that bond in Jeopardy was a hard pill to swallow. However, he couldn’t sit back and let Pain continue to congratulate Murder with words while the look in his eyes said jealousy and revenge.

“Uncle Jimmy, man, I don't know what you talking about,” Pain said.

“I know the look of jealousy and envy very well. You may have my nephew and Allen fooled, but just know I'm watching you,” Uncle Jimmy said.

Pain looked around the table to see all eyes on him. He didn't know that his true feelings were showing. All this time he hadn't made himself accept that Murder had the woman he loved. Yes, Murder was his best friend. The man who was there when he caught his first body. He was also who he made his first million with. Granted, all of this was his fault, but Murder and Law baby weren’t supposed to last a month.

“Tell me how you really feel, nigga. I've been told you if you're not cool with us being together then say that shit. You sitting here acting like you're okay with it is a bitch move. I always thought of you as a brother. Now to see that Uncle Jimmy was right all along. I never took time to see if your eyes matched what your mouth was saying. The eyes are the doorway to the soul, and I thought you knew that.

If you don't believe you can be genuinely happy for us, then you need to stay the fuck away. I'm not the nigga to sit here and keep talking about feelings and shit. Either get that shit off your chest now, and we talk it out like men, or keep that shit bottled up and make a dumb ass move that will get your ass killed,” Murder said. He sat back in

his chair looking directly at Pain.

“I miss her, man," Pain said.

“And, what the fuck that got to do with us?” Murder asked.

“You don't know what it's like to watch the woman you love with another man," Pain told him.

“The fuck if I don’t. I watched her ass with you, and you weren’t even treating her right. I saw her worry and cry over you while you were out here living it up. I could’ve ratted your ass out plenty of times, but I didn’t. That right there is some karma that I don’t need in my life,” Murder said.

“I know I’m the one who fucked up,” Pain said.

“Well then, take the fucking L. You sitting here crying over my wife ain’t getting the sympathy you’re looking for. Where were you when she was crying over you? She would call me looking for you, and not once did I tell her you were knee or face deep in some random pussy. You may think that I’m not a friend or whatever, but just know that if you were some random nigga who had Law Baby, I would’ve gladly snatched her up out of ya hands and not given one fuck about what it looked like,” Murder revealed.

“Yo, for real, do we have to do this right now? This ain’t what we came here for,” Allen said.

“Hell yeah, we doing this now. I’m tired of him always holding shit over my head. Yeah, I fucked up, but he should’ve stuck to the code,” Pain said in a voice laced with anger.

“The code? You wanna talk about the code? How about never leave ya woman unattended so the next nigga can slide in? What about not fucking your girl’s cousin behind her back? Or, better yet, what about straight walking away from a woman who doesn’t want your ass no more?” Murder said.

He was getting irritated because he thought all this shit was settled. He was getting tired of talking the same shit all the time when it came to Pain and his damn feelings.

“This is so fucked up,” Pain said.

“Nah, you’re what’s fucked up. Not only do you have a baby on the way, but you digging the doctor chick, right? Aren’t you and Nikki beefing over her right now? Then why the hell are you sitting here whining about missing Law Baby? Trust and believe she’s not missing your black ass. I took care of that a long time ago,” Murder said.

Allen and Uncle Jimmy were just sitting there observing the situation. They knew that it was a possibility of this coming to blows, and they both both understood that they would have to step in before it got that far. As of right now, they were just exchanging words, so that was a good thing.

“How the fuck do you know she’s not thinking of me?” Pain asked.

“Shit, I stroked and sucked all memories of her past niggas out of her the first night I got up in her. Now when she goes to sleep and has a wet dream it’s my name she calling. I can promise you as soon as I hear her, I roll over and scratch that itch for her,” Murder said with a big ass smile on his face.

Allen shook his head, and Uncle Jimmy stood to his feet.

“We’re not gonna come to blows about this,” Uncle Jimmy said.

“Tell him to man up and get the fuck out the way. I’m gonna tell ya like this in front of them. I love you like a brother, but Lawrynn’s gonna be my wife and the mother of all my kids. If you want to be in the wedding then come, if not, stay the fuck away from me,” Murder said before getting up and walking away.

Chapter Eleven

Uncle Jimmy got up to go after Murder. He could tell that Murder left so he wouldn’t end up fighting Pain. They were brothers, and Murder wasn’t going to kill Pain unless it was absolutely necessary.

“Why did you even come at him like that?” Allen asked Pain as they sat at the table.

“He asked me how I felt, so I told him. It ain’t my fault,” Pain said.

“You gonna fuck around and somebody’s gonna die behind a female you clearly don’t want. You just don’t want to see her happy with Murder. Real talk, you need to grow up. Go find that Connie chick and move on with her. If you ask me, y’all don’t need to talk about this shit no more,” Allen told Pain.