“Friends, what fucking friends?”

“I don’t know, sir, but it’s two ladies. They look a little older than her. Do you want me to ask them to leave?” she asked.

“No, I’m on my way there. When I get there, you can leave for the rest of your shift,” Pain told her.

“Are you sure, sir? I don’t mind staying here,” she asked, hoping that he said he was sure because Nikki was plucking her last nerve. If she didn’t have kids to feed and a baby daddy who was locked up, she would cuss Nikki out so bad that she would probably go into labor.

“Yeah, you’re good. You’ll still get paid, so don’t worry about that,” Pain told her.

“Thank you.”

“No problem. Don’t tell her I’m coming, and don’t make her so called friends leave either,” he told her before ending the call.

Pain knew the friends had to be her aunties, but there was no reason for them to come to his house when they all had phones. He hoped they weren’t over there plotting with her on some bullshit.

It only took fifteen minutes for Pain to make it to the house, and he was thankful that he didn’t see any cops anywhere along the way. He hopped out of the car and broke into a light jog to the door. Walking into the house, he fast stepped to the living room. Once he made himself known, all the ladies stopped talking.

“What up, y’all? What are y’all doing here? Ms. Laura, you didn’t come over here when I was dating your daughter, so why come now?” he asked.

“I can come check on my niece. Wherever she is, I know that I’m welcome,” she said.

“Nah, that’s not how it works,” he said. He was about to tell them all how he really felt, but the nurse appeared with her purse on her arm.

“Where the hell are you going?” Nikki asked her.

“I will see you tomorrow, sir,” the nurse to Pain.

“Fa sho,” he responded and gave her a head nod. He waited for the front door to close before he turned his attention to the women in the living room with him. “Which one of y’all old evil ass birds told her to call Connie’s supervisor and file a complaint. We all know she ain’t bright enough to think of the shit on her own,” Pain said to the three of them. “Don’t everybody speak at one time,” he added.

“Who is Connie?” La-La asked.

“Connie is the doctor that Pain is leaving our niece high and dry for. He leaves her here all day with those nurses because he’s out entertaining her,” Laura spoke up.

“Is that what she told you?” Pain asked.

“What do you mean what I told her? It’s the truth. You leave early as hell and come back late. I know you’re out there in that bitch’s face,” Nikki said.

“Once again, you’re smack in the middle of some bullshit. Connie and I only communicate on the phone. Today, I decided to pop up on her, being that she works her ass off. It fucked my head up when she told me that you called her supervisor to file a complaint on her. If you have a problem with how I’m moving, then you take that shit up with me. Connie hasn’t done shit to you, and she was barely talking to me. You snuck in and fucked that all up for me. This time, you fucked ya self in the process. You’re only here because of the baby. Right now, you got me feeli

ng like even if the baby ain’t mine, I’m gonna take the motherfucker anyway. You don’t need to be teaching any child the twisted shit that’s in your head,” Pain told Nikki.

“You’ve never said anything about the baby not being yours before. Why bring it up now?” Laura asked.

“That’s a damn lie. I told her ass from jump that I wasn’t solid on the fact of the baby being mine. You wouldn’t know that because your ass don’t have shit to do with this in the first damn place. Why the hell are you so fucking concerned about Nikki? Your daughter needs you now, but you sitting over here plotting and shit with this lying bitch. Where the fuck do they do that shit at? You’ve got everybody looking at you sideways. You talk that shit about wanting to be there for family, but there’s something else going on,” Pain said.

The ladies exchanged looks but said nothing.

“You can’t sit here and throw out stuff like that. She’s my aunt, and she’s been here for me,” Nikki said.

“Says the biggest liar in the universe,” Pain said and chuckled. He stood to his feet and slid his hands in his pockets. “You two need to get the fuck out and don’t come back,” he said to Laura and La-La.

“I don’t know where they keep finding all these disrespectful niggas at. Nell’s daddy would’ve never talked to my aunties like this,” La-La said as she stood to get her purse and keys.

“I guess you need to go find that nigga, so he can co-sign the bullshit you’ve got going on,” Pain said to their backs as the ladies walked to the door.

“Talk that slick shit now. All y’all are gonna get what’s coming to y’all,” La-La said.

“Says the bitter bitch of the west,” Pain added as he opened the door for them.