Once they stepped outside, he immediately shut the door.
“That was rude,” Nikki said.
“You just stay here because you’re pregnant. We’re not getting together ever in life. The next time you come at Connie, pregnant or not, I’m fucking you up. You keep thinking you can do whatever and catch no consequences. Keep trying me, and I’ll fuck you up and your senior citizen thot entourage,” Pain told her.
“She’s in the way just like Lawrynn was. You want me to stop fucking with her then you need to stop dealing with her period. You don’t want to fuck with me right now. I’m pregnant and horny as fuck, but I can’t get any relief because you’re all in your feelings,” Nikki fussed.
“Fuck all that shit you're talking. You're better off selling that pregnant pussy for double the price. I know there’s somebody out there who will pay for it,” Pain told Nikki.
She stood there with tears in her eyes. During the time they'd been dealing with each other she'd never seen him so mad. That only showed that Pain cared for Connie more than he cared for Nikki or Lawrynn. Nikki refused to go out without a fight. She was determined to have her family together in one house even if she had to kill for it.
Pain sat in his man cave trying to call Connie. He knew she wasn't going to answer just like he knew he wasn't going to stop calling. He never thought that Nikki could be so evil and vindictive. Dealing with her was starting to make him crazy. She was using the pregnancy against him, and he had to figure out a way to get that baby away from her and get her away from him for good. She had court dates coming up but was still out there on that bullshit. Something had to happen in his favor or he would be the one going to jail for murder.
Chapter Ten
The fellas were having a meeting with Uncle Jimmy to wrap up the last details about him getting out completely. Over the past two months, life had been good as hell to Jimmy. He was in love with a woman who fulfilled him mentally and physically. His nephew was daily turning out to be more of a man. Lawrynn brought the man out of Murder. Since Murder had been with her, he’d slowed down on the bullshit that he had no business doing.
Jimmy knew there was still a small chance that Pain would act an ass when it finally hit him that Murder was going to marry Lawrynn in real life. Pain was a good guy and all, but Jimmy didn’t believe he was good enough to step aside completely and let Murder treat Lawrynn the way he should’ve. In Jimmy’s eyes, time would definitely tell because Murder was dead ass about marrying Lawrynn.
“Are we gonna start the meeting or do we have to wait for you to stop daydreaming?” Murder asked Jimmy.
“My bad, nephew. Are y’all ready to start?” Jimmy asked. When no one said anything, he kept on talking. “I have a business venture that I want you all to go in with me on. A few days ago, I was called by a developer back home. He approached me because he has a prime piece of land a street over from Burwood Beach. The plan is for him to develop a hotel and casino type of resort. The guests will have access to Burwood Beach along with shuttle service to and from the airport. The hotel portion will have over hundred and fifty rooms and suites. The casino will take up the bottom two floors, and it will have a theater for shows and seminars.
“Now, if we go into this together, that will keep a constant legit stream of cash flow coming in. I know when I came to y'all before I said that I was the only one getting out. Seeing you all of you with women, I realized that we all need to get out together. This will be the best opportunity that will fall in our laps and allow us to exit the business quietly,” Uncle Jimmy said.
“What if we don’t want to get out?” Pain asked.
“That is totally up to you. Just know that if you turn this thing down, there’s no coming back to it later. Either you’re in or out, no in between. I don’t want you to feel like you’re being forced either but think about it. We’ve been doing this shit since y’all were in high school. So far, none of us have been hemmed up on anything serious. That alone is a blessing, but are you willing to keep pushing the envelope? One day, that luck is going to run out for all of us. I’m lucky as fuck to have made it this damn far,” Uncle Jimmy said.
“We only did transport, Unc. You sitting here talking like we were out here slinging shit for real,” Murder said.
“Trafficking is worse than selling it depending on which state you get caught up in. I called this meeting just to let y’all know that the deal is on the table. Only if you want to go legit all the way,” Uncle Jimmy said.
“I’m all in with you, Unc. You already know I was in because of you in the first place,” Murder said.
The table stayed quiet for a few moments before Allen spoke up.
“I’m in because I don’t need anything adding to my time when I choke Nell’s mama to death. If I’m an upstanding business owner, I should get a lighter sentence,” Allen said and chuckled.
“I guess I’m in too because I might be the one to rid both of y’all of y’all’s mothers-in-law. I had to put their messy asses out of my house. Oh yeah, Uncle Jimmy, what do you know about the girls’ dads. It seems like every time they get into it with somebody they’re always bringing those dudes up. I’m just wondering how thorough they can be if they were never around for their daughters. The only sister with a husband was Letitica, and she doesn’t even fuck with the other sisters. I only met her a few times,” Pain said.
“Lawrynn’s dad is in New York. I don’t know much about Nikki’s pops. Her momma may not know who the nigga really is. As for Nell’s pops, I doubt the nigga that’s in jail is really her dad. That’s not my story to tell, though,” he said.
“Do you have a way of getting in contact with them? It would be cold as fuck if he’s here for when I propose,” Murder said.
“Propose? Nigga what the fuck did I miss?” Pain asked.
“I told you I wanted you as my best man,” Murder said, trying to remind Pain.
“Nigga, I thought you was just talking to be talking. I didn’t know your ass was serious,” Pain said. He remembered the conversation fully. He also remembered telling Murder yeah. Had he known that he was serious, he wouldn’t have brushed him off like that. “You’re being dead ass right now?” Pain asked.
Murder dug in his pockets and took out a small, light blue box and set it on the table. All eyes were on the box as Murder smirked. He opened the top of the box and let the ring shine brightly.
“Does this look like I’m just fucking around?” Murder asked.
Uncle Jimmy watched Pain closely. Murder could say that he was fine with them being together all he wanted, but that shit was lie. His eyes told another story.
“I’d hate to kill you behind my nephew’s happiness. Make no mistake about it because I will not hesitate to drop you where you stand,” Uncle Jimmy told Pain.