“That’s a waste of money. You do know that, right? What the fuck you holding on to ya place for anyway?” he asked and paused for an answer. When he realized he wasn’t getting an answer, he let her know what his assumptions were. “Oh, you thinking a nigga still got a chick or two stashed in the cut. I’ll let you make it right now considering why you’re in here. Just make sure you hear me loud and clear, Lanelle,” he said and leaned over so his face was close to hers.
“When your lease is up, not only are you gonna be living with a nigga, but you will be planning a damn wedding. I told you when we went official that I wasn’t playing games with your ass. You might as well decide what size wedding you want. It doesn’t matter to me. It can be big, small, medium, we could even go to Vegas if you want. You think you’re slick hoping that some shits gonna pop off while you’re at my place. I keep telling you that you’re with a grown ass man now, sweet heart.” He kissed her on the cheek and sat down on his chair in the corner.
He wasn’t gonna tell her that the place they were going to was the one that only Murder and Pain knew about. She would complain that it would give him an unfair advantage, but it was what it was.
Nell was excited that Lawrynn had finally come back up to the hospital to see her. Hopefully, tonight would be the last night she had to spend there. Seeing her cousin with the marks from the chemical burns made her want
to kick Nikki’s ass. The way she saw it, Nikki was no longer her family.
Hearing Lawrynn laugh and play around made Nell thankful that Murder was turning out to be just the nigga that Lawrynn needed. They had lucked up when they got with these two.
“When I get out of here, we’re going to the club the first night,” Nell said then she stuck her tongue out like Cardi B while snapping her fingers. Lawrynn giggled while Allen looked at her like she was crazy. Murder just ignored the comment totally. “Look, Lawrynn, they sitting over there hot because we’re gonna go hang out. We’re deserving of a girl’s night, don’t you think?” she asked her cousin and snapped her fingers again.
“Keep playing with me, Nell,” Allen said in a calm tone.
“What? Just because we’re together doesn’t mean that I have to be around you twenty four seven, Allen,” she said and dragged his name out for about two minutes.
“You weren’t going out and shit like that before we got together, so don’t start doing that shit now. Ain’t no need for no new shit. Keep that same boring ass energy you had before I saw your ass again,” he told her, which caused her to roll her eyes.
“Allen, between the two of us, she was always going out. I can’t count how many times she forced me to go out with her. The night I met Murder, I was out because of her,” Lawrynn added in her two cents.
“This ain’t your argument,” Murder said and shot her a look that told her to shut her mouth.
Lawrynn rolled her eyes, but she damn sure kept her mouth closed.
“You’re not going to the club alone. I can be on one side of the club and you on the other, but you not going alone. You can even call her over to the house so y’all can play in make up or whatever. I’m gonna be in my man cave, so y’all can do whatever. Fuck all that girl’s night out or whatever you want to call it. Either way, you best believe I’m gonna be in the vicinity,” Allen told her.
“I understand you being overprotective and all that, but you can’t be with me all the time. I do have to do some things on my own, Allen,” Nell said.
“Yeah, you’re right, but going to the damn club ain’t one of them. Drop it, or I’ll call all the clubs in the Tidewater area to let them know not to let your ass in. You know I know people, so do you still want to plead your case?” he asked her.
She gave up, but not without giving him the middle finger first.
Chapter Nine
Connie was headed to her office when she was stopped in her tracks by the vision of a not too happy Pain standing in the middle of the hallway. She paused her steps briefly then continued her stride.
“You just gonna walk past me like that, huh?” he asked.
“Since your baby mother or girlfriend contacted my supervisor to file a formal complaint against me, yes, I am,” she said.
Pain looked confused because he didn’t know anything about a complaint being filed. He had been at the hospital with Nikki day in and day out and was relieved that she was out of the hospital now. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got.
Nikki was pissed because she thought that being at Pain’s house while she’s on bed rest meant something. Pain just didn’t trust that she would do what she was supposed to do. He also didn’t want to take the risk of her doing something to herself or the baby to get his attention. When she realized that Pain had her set up in the guest bedroom and hired three nurses to come in to sit with her so she wouldn’t be alone, she was pissed.
“I didn’t know about any of that,” he told her.
“It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know you didn’t know what she did. My question to you is, how is it that she’s doing all this evil shit, yet you just stand around like you don’t know what she’s capable of? The whole hospital knows about the cousin she almost permanently blinded. I just hope and pray that nobody kills her ass before the baby is born. This is why I was hesitant to even communicate with you in the first place. I’m sure you’re a really nice guy, but you need to get that bitch in order. The very next time she comes at me, these scrubs are coming off. Now move out of my way and don’t bring your ass back here looking for me,” Connie told him before heading in the direction of her office.
Pain watched her walk away until he couldn’t see her anymore. His next move was to his house, so he and Nikki could have a talk. He was tired of playing with her. It was bad enough that she was even acting like this and they weren’t together. For her to come at Connie because she saw her as a threat was the one thing that sent him over the edge. He jogged to his car once he got to the parking garage and pulled out his phone to call the nurse who was on duty.
“Hello,” she answered.
“Is she up?”
“Yes, she’s downstairs talking to her friends,” she revealed.