“How can I let it go? I just can’t say ‘oh well’ like you do about everything. We should’ve done something,” Laura said.

“You’re gonna mess around and say the same thing when you lose Lawrynn. It’s fine to be there for Nikki, but you haven’t even checked on Lawrynn. What kind of shit are you on?” La-La asked.

“She has big, bad Murder with her. Nikki doesn’t have anybody,” Laura said, trying to justify her actions.

La-La could only shake her head. She knew that this wasn’t going to end well for her sister. The only thing she could do was be there as a shoulder when the shit hits the fan because she was gonna need it.

Chapter Eight

Allen walked into the room to see Nell sleeping peacefully. He sat down beside her and thought about the night he had. He never liked having to come to blows with anybody about anything. However, when it was time to put in work, that’s exactly what he did. He didn’t regret getting his cousin and her girls to beat up Deshanna. She deserved it and more. Allen hoped that the beating would let her know to stay away from him and Nell.

“I’ll always be here for you, babygirl, no matter what,” he whispered in Nell’s ear before giving her a forehead kiss.

He thought Nell was asleep, but she was far from it. Nell had been up all night wondering what Allen was getting himself into. She knew Allen like no one else did, so she knew deep down what he had done. Thanking the lord that he came back to her in one piece was the first thing she had done when she smelled his cologne.

“I’ll do anything for you, Nell. I even bought you a ring,” Allen said and chuckled to himself.

Nell smiled as much as she could without letting on that she was wide awake. It was weird, but Allen always talked about his feelings and their future when he thought she wasn’t listening.

Allen knew damn well she wasn’t sleep. This was the only time he could talk to her without her interrupting with questions or looking at him funny. It was amazing how they had settled into their routine so easily. Years had been lost between them, and those years were now a distant memory.

“I’m gonna knock you up with twins though, first. How we do with them will let me know if we’re ready for more children,” he said with a smirk.

Nell’s face balled up even though her eyes were closed. Allen fell out laughing. “Just sit up, man. I know you’re awake. You need to brush up on your acting skills,” he said.

Nell sat up and rolled her eyes at him.

“Twins, Allen?” she asked.

“I had to say something to get a reaction out of you. You don’t play sleep well either,” he told her.

“Did you kill anybody tonight?” Nell asked him the one thing she had been wondering about since he walked in.

“No, I didn’t, but you won’t have to worry about her coming at you again if she’s got any sense. She’s not dead, but we gotta talk about your mother,” he told her.

“I know what happened tonight. I’m not going to make excuses for her because I don’t know what the hell is going on with her. I wish I knew a way to fix this shit with her,” Nell said.

“You need to find out what her problem is with me. I haven’t done shit to her except love you,” Allen told her.

Nell thought about what Allen said. She knew he was right about her mother because she had felt something going on with her when she last saw her, and that was the main reason she put her out. She didn’t need the negative energy around her.

“I’ll try to find out what’s going on with her. Truthfully, they all have been acting weird since Nikki attacked Lawrynn. I don’t know what type of shit they’re sitting on, but I will find out. Something’s going on because they were exchanging looks and shit. I just don’t want you to get in any trouble behind them or anybody else. We’re back together, and we’re in it to win it,” Nell told Allen.

Allen was relieved to hear her say that. He was still on the fence because he knew her mama wasn’t going to stop. He didn’t want to put his hands on her but choking the shit out of her looked real good to him. Nell’s mother was important to her, so he would hold off for as long as he could.

“I hope so, because me choking her ass is not a get out of this relationship card,” he told her seriously. It made her laugh, but he hoped she knew how serious he really was. “Ha-Ha hell, I’m dead ass. Did you call your landlord to let him know you were moving?” Allen asked.

“No, because I’m not technically moving. I’m gonna just be staying at your spot for a while. I’m not giving my place up right now,” she told him.

Yes, Nell loved Allen, but she was no fool by far. There was no way she was going to give up her place without him making it known to all his ‘little buddies’ that he was on lock down now. He had told her over and over again that Deshanna knew that they were done. But, in real life, he was just ignoring her ass. That meant nothing to these simple bitches out here. The fact that she was in the hospital proved that fact.

She was going to tell him that he needed to send out a memo that his dick drop off days were over. Although she wasn’t concerned about him cheating on her, she knew there were gonna be a couple more bitter bitches falling out of the sky. She wasn’t necessarily okay with that fact, but she knew what she was getting into when they made things official again.

“Technically? What the hell is technically moving, Nell?” he asked.

Nell rolled her eyes because he knew damn well what she was talking about.

“I’m gonna have my mail forwarded, move most of my clothes, but I’m keeping my lease until it expires,” she told him.