“What she say?” Murder asked.
“She said they haven’t booked Nikki yet, but they are going to charge her with malicious wounding and attempted murder. Once she gets booked and downtown Norfolk in a cell, she’s gonna hit me up to see what we want to do with her,” Allen said.
“Okay, cool. Tell Mrs. Ella thank you,” Murder told Allen.
Everybody in the hood thought that Mrs. Ella was selling dinners to put her son through college without the help of student loans, but she had worked at the Norfolk City jail for almost twenty years as a janitor. She knew her salary wouldn’t be able to cover his college expenses without some kind of help. Knowing that school loans were designed to keep you in debt, she wanted her son to not get caught up in the trap.
Instead of applying for loans, she did the next best thing; went to Murder and Pain to see if they could help. She never thought they would say they would pay for her sons schooling as long as he didn’t get anything lower than a C in any of his courses. From that point on, she sold dinners every weekend to make sure her son had some kind of spending money. She was going to do all she could for him not to worry about anything but his schooling, and she would always be there for Murder when he needed her.
So, when Allen called to ask her about Nikki and told her what Nikki did to land herself in jail, she was willing to give Murder whatever information he needed.
“That’s some good shit. Let me go in there to see what’s going on with my girl,” Murder told him.
He wasn’t waiting for the nurse or whoever to come take him to where Lawrynn was. When he saw that her mother and aunt were gone, he knew she had been settled in her room.
Chapter 22
“Yo, I need to know what room they moved my wife to,” Murder asked the nurse at the nurses’ station.
“I didn’t know you were married. What’s her name?” she asked.
“Lawrynn Chambers, and don’t get fucked up. How the hell you know me anyway? Don’t even answer that. Give me the damn number,” he told her.
“Room 821,” she said with and attitude.
With his left hand, Murder slid everything that was on the desk onto the floor.
“Pick that shit up with the same attitude you were giving me, bitch,” he said before walking to the room number she gave him.
Murder paused outside the door, praying that he didn’t lose it when he saw her. He pushed the door open to see Lawrynn with her eyes covered and taped like the doctor said they would be. The doctor didn’t tell him about the burns that were on her face as well.
The ladies had stopped talking when he walked in. They both saw the pain on Murder’s face as he looked at Lawrynn. There was no doubt in their minds that Murder was definitely going to do something to Nikki, and that something was going to be all bad, very fucking bad.
“Who is that?” Lawrynn asked.
“It’s me, baby,” he said with a cracking voice.
“Murder, Nikki did this shit to me! Can you believe that bitch?” she said.
Murder paused for a minute because he was expecting her to be broken up, crying, or something along those lines. Yet, here she was, pissed off instead of crying. He reached out to hold her hand.
“She’s gonna pay for this shit, baby. Trust me, I’m gonna get that bitch. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to stop this,” he told her.
Murder sat and listened to the ladies talk to each other. He looked at his watch, wondering when these two were going to go home. Although he knew they loved her and cared, her family wasn’t on his list of people he fucked with besides Nell. He couldn’t understand how the family could appear to be so close yet so far away. They had to know that Nikki was crazy as fuck long before this.
“We’re gonna get out of here. Murder, do you think you could walk some old ladies to the elevator? I know you’re not going too far from my baby, so the elevator will do just fine,” Laura said befor
e she gave Lawrynn a kiss. They walked to the elevator in silence before her mother started to talk. “Thank you for caring for my daughter. She hasn’t had a man to care for her like you do from what I’ve seen today. Before you do whatever it is you have planned for Nikki, let me talk to her first. That’s all I ask,” she told him.
Murder looked at her and nodded. He didn’t want to ask a bunch of questions that really didn’t need to be answered. Nikki was gonna get hers regardless of what they talked about. He just gave Lawrynn’s mother another head nod and turned to walk to the room.
Murder had been feeling guilty since he got back in the hospital room. There was no reason she should be there. It was his responsibility to protect her at all times. Lawrynn was his queen, and she deserved protection and so much more.
“Don’t sit over there feeing bad about this. If I want to be honest with you, Nikki has always tried to hurt Nell and me. It’s just that this time she had to find a new way to do it. You weren’t paying her any mind, so she turned to another way. None of this is your fault. If she didn’t do it today, she would’ve found another way to hurt me,” Lawrynn told him.
She knew her cousin was out to get her, but she never thought she would take it this far.
“I got something for that bitch,” Murder said.