“Whatever it is, either call me or have someone record it. I know I can’t see it right now, but I damn sure can hear it,” Lawrynn said.

“Whatever you say. How are you doing, though? Don’t lie either,” he said.

Murder knew this had to be fucking with her mental.

“I understand if you don’t want to be with me anymore. I’m blind, and even though the doctors say it may be temporary, the scars are here to stay. I know I may not be attractive to you when all the wraps and things come off. I’m not foolish enough to think that you’ll want to stay with me,” Lawrynn told him.

“What kind of red Kool-Aid did your grandma make because you and your cousin are crazy as fuck? I didn’t sit on the sidelines watching you go through all that shit just because you look good. I did it because I wanted you, meaning all of you. I don’t give a fuck if you never get your sight back. I will always be right here with your ass. I’m not talking about as a friend either. I’m still gonna marry you, shoot my nut all up in you, and have some kids with you. I’m not gonna keep addressing this shit to y’all asses either. We’re gonna get married, so get used to the thought now. Fuck all that other shit you’re talking about,” Murder told her.

He didn’t know what type of niggas Lawrynn was used to dealing with, but he was there to fucking stay.

“I love you, Murder,” Lawrynn told him.

“I love you too,” he responded. “I’ll tell you what. Since you feel like a nigga is only with you because you were able to see and shit, follow all the doctor’s rules, and we’ll get married after they take the bandages off. It doesn’t matter to me, but I want you to be able to see ya boy looking all good and shit in his tux when you walk down the aisle,” Murder said and laughed.

“Don’t make me feel like you’re all in just for you to leave me in the middle of the night or some shit like that,” she told him.

“What kind of food do you want me to try to sneak in here for you?” he asked, changing the subject all together.

“I want some of Our People’s Soulfood. I want the shrimp and grits,” Lawrynn said. She liked the new soul food spot that had just opened up a few months ago.

“Okay, is that it?” he asked.

“Yeah that’s it,” she told him.

“I’ll go get it tomorrow when Nell comes up here to sit with you. I’m staying here tonight and the rest of the nights that you’re here,” he said.

“Okay,” was her only reply.


The next day, Murder and Lawrynn were talking and listening to the television. The door opened, and Pain walked in.

“What’s up, y’all?’ Pain said as he came in.

“Chilling,” Murder said.

“I just wanted to come let y’all know I didn’t have shit to do with this shit that Nikki did. I put her out of my house last week, and I don’t even talk to her about the baby. I don’t know what the fuck is up with her. I told her to leave y’all be. There’s no reason for her to be fucking with y’all,” he said.

“You should know that all of this has nothing to do with you. Nikki’s had a vendetta against me and Nell long before you came along. I appreciate you coming here to say your peace. I’m blind and all that but grown man shit sounds good coming from you. I appreciate it coming from you. Life is too short to hold grudges,” Lawrynn told him.

“Go ’head with that bullshit. It’s just that my actions started all this shit,” he said, shaking his head.

“Let me holla at you outside, Pain,” Murder said, getting up from his seat. They both walked outside. Murder wasted no time getting to the point. “I’m marrying Law Baby, and I want you to be my best man. I know you’re gonna have to think about it, but you’re still my brother from another. It’s only right that you stand by my side that day,” Murder said.

“Ain’t shit to think about. I’m right there with you. No doubt about it,” Pain said and slapped five with Murder.

“Are you going to get your baby mama out of jail?” Murder asked.

“Fuck nah, I told her what she was doing was gonna get her ass hemmed up. She’s on her fucking own,” Pain said.

Chapter 23

Nikki was sitting in the cell happy with herself and the thought that she had scarred her cousin for life. There was no way that Murder would still want to be with her after her face was burned and her ass couldn’t see. She didn’t care if she had to spend the next ten years in jail; it would all be worth it.

“Lewis, you’ve made bail,” Nikki heard the guard call out to her.

“Bail? What do you mean I made bail? Who bailed me out?” she asked, scared that Murder had been the one to bail her out.