“More,” she breathed, unable to help herself, and he answered her with a kiss and a long, deep thrust.

“Soon,” he whispered against her hair, but soon wasn’t good enough. The need inside her was taking over, and she raked her nails down his back as she arched into him again, meeting him now thrust for thrust and urging him faster and deeper.

“Jesus,” he rasped, and then his fingertips dug against her hips as he pulled back and shoved inside her over and over, pounding harder with every thrust until her breasts bounced from the sheer force of him.

“Yes,” she moaned, not caring who heard her. This was what she wanted. What she needed. This was Derrick, full and forceful and not holding back. She only wished that she could feel him spurt inside her, that he could fill her up with his hot need.

“Jade,” he called, and with one hand he pinched her nipple, spurring her onto a whole other plane. She pushed herself over the edge, closing her eyes as the need and want and greed devoured her at last and she bucked into him with reckless abandon, gripping and grasping at anything and everything as her walls shuddered around his rock hard shaft.

She wanted to scream, to yell his name so loud that everyone in the place discovered them, but instead she bit down on her bottom lip and rode him fast and hard until the fissions of pleasure coiled around her every extremity and lingered there.

Chapter 7

When Jade woke up the next morning, she had two things on her mind: the irritating, insistent pounding of her head and Derrick Archer.

For a second, she thought it might have been a dream, the way he'd commanded her body and taken control of her. The way he'd made her come in a way no man had ever managed in her life. But she knew it wasn't a dream. It couldn't have been.

The awful truth was that she'd slept with her best friend.

And worst of all? She'd liked it.

Now she just had to go into work and...what? What could she possibly say to him?

She didn't have the option of walking up to his desk and making a joke of it. Nor could she imagine bringing it up at all, not when they were supposed to be pretending to be deeply and passionately in love.

Or were they?

Would Derrick still want to go through with her plan now that things had gotten so serious between them? Or was it even a serious thing? Did people ever just do it and then get on with their regularly scheduled relationship?

She had certainly never operated that way, but that didn't mean it wasn't possible. She could walk into work this morning and Derrick could knock on her desk and make fun of her like nothing had ever happened.

Like he hadn't completely rocked her world.

"Shit," she rolled over in her bed and stuffed a pillow over her face.

Lisa pounced on top of her and landed on her stomach with a soft thump, but Jade didn't have the energy to swat her away. Instead, she snuggled the cat close to her and said, "What am I going to do?"

Okay, first things first.

How was she feeling about all of this?

She took a deep breath, trying to put words to the swarm of feelings raising in her chest and swirling in her stomach. It felt like an excited glow, in a way, though there was a nervous energy there too. Like she wanted to run a mile and also lay in her bed for the rest of the day.

"I've got nothing," she mumbled, then, like a flash, she remembered Zac.

Zac with his perfect muscles and his history of making her knees buckle. What was she going to do about Zac? What was Derrick going to do about Zac?

After all, she was still trying to win him over, right? Wasn't that still the plan?

Before she had the chance to torment herself with any further questions, there was a pounding on her front door and Lisa slipped through her arms and slinked from the room.

Following suit, Jade tugged an oversized T-shirt over her head and wriggled into a pair of yoga pants before rubbing her eyes and making for the door. She swung it open easily before checking the peephole, and then her breath caught.

There he was. Derrick Archer. Tall, dark, and sexy. Except not sexy. He wasn't supposed to be sexy, not to her.

"Great minds think alike," she mumbled, then ushered him into the tiny living room off of her foyer. As she led him, she swallowed hard, suddenly all too aware of the heat rising in her cheeks and the uncomfortable swirling in her stomach. She felt like a little kid waiting for her crush to notice her on the playground. Somehow, that made it that much worse, too.

"So, I came by to apologize," Derrick said, then sank back onto her bright red sofa.