"Oh, um, you don't need to apologize. It takes two to tango, you know, and—"

"I'm not apologizing for that." He looked up at her and suddenly there was a hunger in his eyes, a fire she hadn't noticed before. "I'm apologizing for blowing the case. I shouldn't have let my feelings get in the way of an investigation. No matter how good you looked."

Her mouth went dry and suddenly she couldn't look anywhere but him and the way his legs spread wide and casual as he surveyed her. She knew what lay underneath his jeans now. She knew exactly how impressive he was. How big and strong. How powerful.

An ache rose between her thighs and she sank into a chair opposite him, if only to have something to do.

"You..." She started, but even that was a strain. She had no idea what to do, what to say. Had he just said she looked good? And why did that make her heart do jumping jacks?

"I fucked up and I shouldn't have." He sighed. "I called Crystal this morning to see if we could schedule another officer to go undercover with her help."

Jade perked up, her brows furrowing. "Another officer? But I—"

"I never want to see you dressed like that again unless it's a private viewing. Those men don't deserve to look at you that way. You're too good for them."

"And you think you're just good enough?" She wasn't sure what made her say it, or why every word sounded so coated with lust. Maybe she just needed an answer. Or maybe she was fishing for the answer she wanted.

Even now, looking at him, he wasn't the same old Derrick. Not anymore. He was memories of laughter and joy and adventure...and ecstasy. His mouth was full and sweet and tender and his arms looked warm and strong. She longed to feel them around her again, to have him press her up against the wall and—

"I never said I was good enough either," he said.

Her heart fluttered inside her chest. "So you're saying..."

"Nobody is good enough for you, Jade. But I want you. I think you want me, too." His dark eyes took her in and she licked her top lip almost unconsciously.

"I don't know what I want," she admitted.

"No?" He didn't sound bothered or surprised. Just vaguely curious. Like he'd found something out from a crossword puzzle.

"No...I...This is so confusing." She shook her head and let out a deep breath she didn't know she'd been holding.

"Because you can't choose between me and Zac?" he asked.

"No." The answer came out so fast she couldn't believe it, and yet she still knew it was the truth. "Because you're my best friend. What if...what if we ruin everything?"

"But what if we don't?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"But what if we do?"

A faint smile touched his lips. "I only know a few things. The first is that you're fucking gorgeous. The second is that I like you. And the third is that I'd be willing to do just about anything to feel your body against mine. I could barely sleep for thinking about you and I can't bring myself to think it was a mistake."

She blinked, then bit down on the inside of her cheek as she took in the words, playing them back over in her mind.

"You're all I've got," she whispered. "I don't have Andy and Matt. I don't have Army buddies. I've just got you. It

's not the same risk for you."

"Then tell me you don't want me. Tell me you want Zac."

"I don't want Zac." She said, and this time she didn't feel anything at all. Like stating a fact.

"Tell me you don't want me." Derrick said, his tone gruffer than she'd ever heard it before. More raw. More sexy. Almost like he'd sounded when he'd whispered against her hair the night before.

Another ache swelled between her legs. "I can't say I don't want you."

"Then take a risk with me," he said. "Take a risk, Jade."

* * *