I looked at him. “You’re a man for whom anything is possible. You can do anything and there are no consequences.” His eyes darkened. Hurriedly, I cleared my throat and sat up.

“I’m not saying you break the law or do bad things without worrying about getting caught because you have power and know people. I’m saying that you can sleep with me and no one will bat an eye. But for me, it’s different.”

“I see,” he said slowly. Yeah, just call me Ol’ Boner Killer Carter. I sighed and took his hand.

“Look, I just mean I have to be careful. I don’t need to be your girlfriend, but I’m not, even though it doesn’t seem that way now, the type to fall into bed with a man I just met, certainly not a man who’s my boss. What happens when you don’t want to sleep with me anymore?”

He lifted my chin and fixed me with his steady gaze. “I’ll feed you to my wolves.” I blinked in his impassive face. Then I threw back my head and roared with laughter as he pounced on me, tickling my sides till I was breathless and kicking.

“Stop! Stop!” I cried out till he held up his hands and I collapsed on the bed. Nick took my face in his hands as I hiccupped with giggles.

“Sarah. I told you. You are under no obligation to me. I am a man of my word. And in this day and age, an employee can do a lot more damage than you would expect. Right now, I am staking my fortune and future on you not dragging me into court for sexual harassment.”

“I would never do that!” I exclaimed.

“But what if you got tired of sleeping with me?” It took all of my will power not to laugh out loud as I shook my head at the thought. “Okay,” he said. “What if you became angry with me?

“How could I ever be angry at you?” I said. A dark look traveled across his face and his eyes took on a distant cast. Something had happened in his past and I was afraid to ask what it wa

s. But it made him look so vulnerable, just like when he had asked if he had made me happy. Nick Hunter was a man who needed to be loved. I placed my palm over his beating heart.

He gazed into my eyes and I recognized the depth of his loneliness and longing. It matched my own. We were no longer boss and employee, bazillionaire and Brooklyn nobody. We were just Nick and Sarah. And I wanted him for my lover.

I lay back, pulling him by the shoulders. He leaned over me and knelt between my open legs. Nick gave a sharp intake of breath to see how wet I was. My chest and stomach were flushed with arousal. Clouds of strawberry pink covered my skin. His breath was low and deep as he tore the condom’s tin foil package and rolled the latex over his straining shaft.

His body curved over me and my breasts mashed against his hard chest as I arched my hips. Blissful heat radiated through my core at the first touch of the tip of his cock against my soaked entrance. The muscle in his jaw clicked as he strained for self-control. I could feel every muscle in his body tense as he fought plunging into me all at once.

“It’s been a while,” I breathed heavily in his ear.

“I figured that,” he moaned, his bass voice almost strangled in his throat. Slowly, he entered me. Each inch sent new fireworks shooting through me, blurring the line between pleasure and pain. I grasped the damp curls on his neck and cried out his name. My inner walls bloomed around his thick stalk and he jerked his head back, his whole body shuddering as he groaned like an animal and sank the rest of the way into me in one smooth silky thrust.

We moaned in unison, neither one of us daring to move. Quick little puffs of air from his mouth tickled my ear as he struggled against release.

“You feel so damn good, Sarah,” he breathed. I wrapped my arms and legs tightly around him and he groaned, thrusting his tongue deeply in my mouth. Slowly, his hips began to move against me with the same rhythm, till I could no longer tell what was the kiss and what was the fuck, where he began and I ended. It was an infinite circle of glowing bliss from my lips to my pussy and through his cock to his mouth against mine.

The rock hard muscles of his stomach pressed repeatedly against my clit as he threw my legs over his shoulders and rode me hard. My thighs pressed against my swollen breasts and our wet skin made soft slapping sounds as we glided and rocked together. My body rolled and undulated beneath his as he clutched my ass and pulled me up to meet him stroke for stroke.

Rolling over, he pulled me on top of him. I wrapped my feet around his thick calves, bearing back on his cock and brushing my turgid nipples against his chest till he grabbed one and drew it deep in his mouth. My eyes rolled back in my head with ecstasy as his large hands held my ass, gripping it firmly as he brought me down repeatedly over his pulsating cock.

Nick Hunter thrust into me with confidence and vigor. His face was unrecognizable now, still gorgeous, but changed by savage lust. His eyes glazed over and his mouth fell open. The skin on his throat and face turned purplish-red. My clit ground against his public bone as his hard thighs slapped against the fleshiest, most sensitive part of my ass, sending shock wave after shockwave of pleasure through me.

I buried my face in his neck as he threw his head back and howled, lifting his hips in the air and me with him. Lights exploded behind my eyes as we rocked furiously, clutching each other and crying out in deeply awesome bliss till it felt like our bodies were inseparable. Together we crested, locked in a moment of time like at the highest peak of a roller coaster. Then, whoosh! We hurtled down and looped around till finally, our orgasms left us shaking and spent in each other’s arms.

Nick held me as I felt the bouncy beat of his heart beneath my ear. The crackle of an intercom startled me.

“Hello, this is Captain Joe, speaking. We are clear to land in beautiful St. George. We should touch down in ten minutes. The weather is a lovely seventy-eight degrees, with not a cloud in the sky.”

Nick chuckled. “Nope,” he whispered, smoothing my sweaty hair off my forehead. “Not a cloud in the sky.”

I squeezed him tight and gazed up at him. His face was radiant and his eyes gleamed when he looked at me. It made me feel all gooey inside like a perfectly grilled cheese sandwich. He sat up and stretched his arms overhead.

“You want to hop in the shower first or should I?”

“I can go first,” I said.

He gave me a wink. “Good, I was hoping you’d say that. It’ll give me time to call Sheryl.”

My head tilted slightly. I shivered as if a tiny sliver of ice dropped down my neck. I paused to gain control of my voice, but it came out like a squeak anyway.