“Who’s Sheryl?”

“My son Bobby’s mother.” My mind whirled. Bobby. Robert. Robert Zelko. The name I didn’t recognize on the bump list.

“Are you married?” He took my hand and I felt my breath freeze in my throat.

“No. We were never married. But my son is my life, which makes Sheryl a very important person in my life too.”

I nodded my head slowly.

“How old are you, Sarah?”

“I’m twenty-seven,” I said. He smiled. “I’m thirty-six. You’ll see. Things change when you have a kid.”

My mouth settled into a thin line. ‘Thanks for the advice.”

Before he could say anything, I marched to the shower. The hot water pounded my shoulders as I beat myself up for my stupidity. Of course, Nick Hunter had a life before me. So why did I feel betrayed? We hardly knew each other. The door opened.

“Hey,” Nick said.

“Hey yourself,” he leaned against the bathroom wall, staring at me through the glass shower door.

“So, yeah. Lousy timing to get you into my bed and then introduce you to my son and his mom in less than half a day, huh?”

“Actually, we’re touching down now in about five minutes, so I think you will manage to accomplish it in more like three hours.”

He nodded.

“And I’m sorry it if sounded like I was being condescending to you,” he said.

“Thanks,” I said softly. “I’m sorry for not knowing how it feels to have a kid.”

“You take care of your mom, Sarah. You have a lot of responsibilities for someone so young. So did I. That’s another way you remind me of myself.”

I turned off the water and Nick Hunter, one of the most powerful men in the world and my billionaire boss, held out a towel for me. He wrapped me in it and pulled me into his strong arms.

I had thought that getting fired and losing my only way to support my mother and me would be the worst thing that could happen. I was wrong. Falling in love with Nick Hunter, only to have him break my heart, would very likely cause more pain than I could endure.