Page 115 of Fat Cat Liar

No, no, no. There’s no way she’s leaving for three weeks without seeing me. I slam my glass on the bar, not caring about the cracking sound, and move to my desk, reaching for my coat. “Where is she?”

“She’s preparing to leave. I think you may have misunderstood my information.”

I leer at him, trying to read his thoughts. A sinister grin spreads across his face, and he walks toward my door.

“Wait, are you inviting me to your home?”

“Hell no, the last thing I’m doing is asking you into my home. But I do believe you are familiar with the land on the outskirts of my property.” His eyes fall to the photo. “You may find I’ve made a few upgrades, but be sure to check the weather.”

He leaves, his wicked chuckle following him out the door, and I’m frozen in place trying to process his very unsubtle invitation. My focus lands on the picture and my lips start to twitch. I pick up my phone and dial Clay’s extension.

“Do you need medical attention?” He answers on the first ring.

“No, we have a change of plans. Can you grab Dad and meet me at his house?”


“I’m going to need every sub-zero and heat insulated piece of camping equipment we have. And I’m going to need it tonight. First thing tomorrow, I leave for the Hamptons.”

“Fuck that, I’m not camping in this weather.”

“No, you’re not. I am.” I hang up and head to Janice to explain the change in plans.

Kevin Palmer may say he hates me with a vengeance. He may have admitted to wanting to kill me. He may even wish Greer would fall for someone else and leave my memory behind. But he just proved that, behind the hard-core billionaire businessman known for being untouchable, he’s a romantic at heart.

Chapter 23


I try my best to overlook his presence behind me, even with his stare burning into the back of my head. Christmas music fills the room, and I hum along, focusing on carefully placing the red and silver balls in the right place. As the minutes tick by, it becomes harder to ignore him, especially since decorating the tree is always our thing.

“Are you going to help or stand there uselessly?” I call over my shoulder.

“I’m testing the waters. Is it safe to enter, or are you going to shoot laser beams to blister me in place?” Dad tries to joke.

“I don’t know. Any more fake security guards or impromptu secret meetings with my ex-boyfriend you need to share with me?”

“Would you have preferred I keep it from you?”

I sigh, lowering my arms and turning to him. “No, Dad, I think I’ve had enough secrets and lies to last a while.”

The humor fades from his face, and he’s in front of me in an instant, enfolding me in a hug. I draw in a shaky breath, trying to contain the tears that threaten. My emotional stability was questionable after walking away from Lawson, but adding in the pregnancy, I have almost no control anymore.

Last night, after Dad told me about Stan, his investigation into Lawson, and his visit to confront Lawson at work, my first reaction was anger. After pitching a fit, including threatening to cancel Christmas, I raced to my room like a madwoman. Then I realized I was acting like a bratty teenager and tried to put myself in Dad’s place.

I didn’t stay mad long, because an unfamiliar instinct kicked in. I finally understood what people were talking about when they mentioned maternal instinct—the unrelenting need to protect your child at all costs, even if that child is twenty-seven years old. I shouldn’t have been surprised. I got it. Dad’s motives may have been misplaced, but his heart was in the right place.

Of course, I couldn’t share this with him because, not only is he unaware of the baby, but it also might give him a false sense of justification. It was much easier avoiding him all day today, giving him the cold shoulder.

However, pretending to be angry is exhausting, and I don’t want to ruin our holidays.

I hug him back and press my cheek against his chest. “Please don’t keep something like that from me again.”

“I’m not going to apologize for keeping an eye on you, Greer, nor am I going to apologize for prying into a man who deceived you. My utmost priority has always been and will continue to be you. I will, however, apologize for possibly overstepping my bounds.”

“Overstepping your bounds? You threatened to kill Lawson!”

“I didn’t threaten. I told him I had thought about it. There’s a big difference. His shock was a beautiful thing.” He smiles proudly.