Page 116 of Fat Cat Liar

“Dad!” I push away and slap his shoulder, pretending to be irritated. It lasts about a nano-second before I’m giggling.

“There it is, the sound I’ve been missing for quite a while.”

I sober immediately, feeling terrible about my part in the whole mess. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth the day I showed up and asked to stay with you. You deserved at least that much. But it took a while to come to terms. I should have been more careful, more aware of how easy it all was. I never once met his friends or family, except for Clay. He never spoke directly about the name of his company or his position. There were so many signs that were right in front of my face.”

“Stop,” he says gruffly, a mask of frustration setting in his features. “Don’t you ever take on any blame. You have no fault at all.”

“I let him in my life, Dad,” I point out unnecessarily.

“You fell in love, Greer. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

I nod, a little uncomfortable in the direction this could go. Luckily, I’m saved from any more discussion when his phone chimes with a text. He reads it quickly, rolls his top lip between his teeth, and tosses the phone onto the couch behind us. When he looks back at me, there’s an unreadable expression on his face.

“Everything okay?”

“Sure is, but there’s one more thing I’d like to discuss. Seems like I’m not the only one keeping secrets.” His eyes come to mine, and a chill runs up and down my spine.

His expression is no longer unreadable because his emotions are shining through. I suck in a deep breath, feeling the blood drain from my face and my hands start to tremble.

“You know.”

He nods.


“I didn’t spy on you if that’s what you’re thinking. I

t all came about from natural observation. I knew you were broken-hearted, but I recognized the signs of morning sickness almost immediately.”

“Are you disappointed?” My voice cracks and my hands cover my stomach protectively.

His face softens. “Surprised maybe, but never disappointed. You are going to make a terrific mother.”

A hiccup escapes, followed by a sob, and he goes blurry as tears spill out. “I’m so scared,” I admit, thinking about the possibility of raising a child on my own.

His arms are around me again, leading me to the sofa where he sits us both down. He stays quiet, rubbing my back supportively as I catch my breath.

“I was going to tell you this week. It’s taken a while to come to terms with my situation.”

“What situation is that?”

“I’m going to be a single mother. The father of my child is a swindler, and I’m not sure how this is going to work.”

He stops rubbing and eases me backward, lowering his face to mine. “You have to talk to him.”

“I plan on it after the holidays.”

“He deserves to know.”

“This wasn’t exactly planned. What if he doesn’t want the baby?”

“The man I met yesterday would give his life for you and his child. Lawson Hall has a fire of righteousness burning inside him. Have no doubt, he’s not going anywhere.”

I shift uncomfortably, scooting back so I can get a good look at my father. “Did you… Are you sticking up for him?”

He quirks an eyebrow and stares for a second too long before shaking his head. “When I figured out you were pregnant, it was all I could do not to destroy him. It would be easy to dismantle his family business, ruin their reputation, and kill everything they have worked for. He fucked with the wrong family when he came after you.”

I gasp, my hand flying to cover my mouth. “You can’t do that,” I mumble through my fingers.