Page 80 of Smokescreen



“Yeah, to get to Max.”

“You think Edward did this? Set me up? What would this have to do with Max?”

“My guess is that Edward feels the noose around his neck tightening. He knows Max has been looking at all business transactions and seeing inconsistencies. It’s also no secret that Edward has never approved of Max being CEO. The shit with Erica added fuel to the fire. So he’s going after the one thing that Max cares about—you.”

“What the hell does ruining my reputation and possible sending me to jail have to do with getting to Max?”

“Once again, this is just a guess, but my thoughts are that the thought of destroying you will make Max more amendable to Edward’s decisions and endeavors. He’s hoping to intimidate him. And also, he knows Max will have to distance himself from yo

u because of the allegations.”

“I don’t even know the bastard! I’m going to lose my business, my character, and my boyfriend?”

“Max won’t go anywhere. He’s so fucking in love with you, he’ll fight like hell to save you.”

“But he can’t. He’s got a business to handle. He’s so close to bringing it back to the company his father built. I can’t let his name get tarnished.”

“You better not let him hear that.”

There’s a knock at the door and Jake jumps, grabbing his gun. When he looks through the peephole his shoulders relax and he opens the door. Sara bustles through, carrying bags of groceries. She drops them on the counter and comes straight to me.

As soon as she gives me her sympathetic smile, I start sobbing. She pulls me towards her and wraps me in her arms. The tears fall harder as she comforts me.

“What happened, Stella?”

“I’m being investigated in South America for soliciting young girls for prostitution and taking bribes. We think Edward is behind this to push Max into a corner.”

“What? I thought Max was worried about someone hacking into your account.”

“That was my problem four hours ago. As of fifteen minutes ago, I’m now a child predator.”

Her horrified expression causes another round of tears.

Jake’s phone rings and he takes the call in the kitchen, talking quietly. Sara continues to soothe me until a phone is placed in my hands.

“It’s Max. He needs to talk to you.”

“Max?” I wail into the phone.

“Baby, calm down. Please stop crying. Jake told me what’s going on and I’m on my way home. Actually the plane’s about to take off. We’ll get through this. Everyone will know this is bullshit. I’m going to have Chris come out tomorrow morning.”


“Bella, you’re going to need a lawyer,” he says softly.

“Won’t I look guilty if I have a lawyer before I’m even charged with anything?”

“No, you’ll look smart.”


“I love you.”

“You too, Max. Get here soon.” I hand the phone back to Jake and lean into Sara for her comfort. The tears finally stop, but my anxiety increases. The depth of Max’s hatred for Edward seems to be reciprocated. This vendetta has just taken a new turn.